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Family/Professional Partnerships Program: National Center for Cultural Competence

The National Center for Cultural Competence is a cooperative agreement funded as part of the Family-Professional Partnerships Program administered by the Integrated Services Branch, Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs, which is part of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. For more information, call (301) 443-2170.

The National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC) at the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development, provides national leadership and contributes to the body of knowledge on cultural and linguistic competency within systems and organizations. Six major approaches to fulfill its mission include (1) knowledge development and dissemination, (2) supporting a “community of learners” and mentors, (3) web-based technical assistance (4) collaboration and coordination, (5) advancing the evidence, and (6) technical assistance, consultation and training with diverse constituency groups. The NCCC provides training, technical assistance and consultation to local, state, federal, and international governmental agencies, family advocacy and support organizations, local hospitals and health centers, healthcare systems, health plans, mental health systems, universities, quality improvement organizations, national professional associations, and foundations. In addition, the NCCC’s on-line training, publications, and products are accessed by tens of thousands of individuals each year.


Power point - 6%, Graphics - 1%, Website links - 3%, Guides - 2%, Cultural Brokering - 4%, Assesement Tools - 49%, Policy Briefs - 3%, Checklists - 24%, Curricula Enhancement Module Series - 7%, Denifitions - 1%

Incorporating culturally and linguistically competent policies, structures and practices
at the direct service level can have a significant impact on: (1) responding to the diversity
within the U.S., its territories, and in tribal communities,(2) improving quality of services
and supports, and (3) decreasing disparities in the health and health of care of children.


  • Promoting The Evidence: NCCC developed 9 publications and resources during FY 09-10. The products include book chapters, journal articles, family stories, self-assessment tools and guides, and data vignettes. Examples are: the Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment for Disability Organizations; the Guide to Conducting Cultural and Linguistic Competence Family Organization Assessment; chapter in the book, End-of-Life Care for Children and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
  • The website is adding how cultural and linguistic competence is relevant to the six core outcomes for a system of services for CSHCN and Data Vignettes designed to put faces and names to data from the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs.
  • The Curricula Enhancement Modules continue to be an important way of supporting faculty and students in both MCHB-funded training programs and the broader health care professional education community. From March 2, 2010 to February 2, 2011, 859 new individuals registered to use the modules and there were 686 repeat visits from previously registered individuals.
  • The Center co-convened ongoing monthly Sharing Wisdom Community of Learners and Mentors: (COL) with select Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (Alaska, Arizona, Maine, New Mexico, North Dakota, Washington, Wyoming) interested in developing and maintaining relationships with families from tribal communities and with tribal entities.
  • NCCC participated on 90 presentations in plenary, workshop, round table, facilitated discussion, webinar and teleconference formats to constituencies from each of its major projects.

Below are the points of dissemination by NCCC resource material, individual
or organizational assessment tool, and links to NCCC website.


Policy Briefs Excerpts - 6,509,  Checklists - 67,000,  Cult. Competence Health Practitioner Assess. - 3,460,  Curricular Enhancement Module Series - 2,789,  Cult. and Linguistic Competence Policy Asses. - 2,202,  Cult. and Linguistic Comp. Family Organization  Assess. - 1,025,  NCCC Website Links - 2,000,  Practice Briefs - 12,000,  Definitions - 450, Guides - 430,  Cultural Broker Guide - 360,  Guiding Values and Principles - 250,  PowerPoint presentations - 5,990,  Body/Mind/Spirit - 10,  Health Promotion Video/DVD - 30,  Total - 102,505



The Evidence Base for Cultural and Linguistic Competency in Health Care (written by NCCC faculty, published by The Commonwealth Fund)

Promoting Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency Self-Assessment Checklist For Personnel Providing Services and Supports to Individuals and Families Affected by Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Other Infant Death (SUID) | En Español

A Guide for Advancing Family-Centered and Culturally and Linguistically Competent Care

And the Journey Continues... Achieving Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Systems Serving Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and their Families

A clinician with a mother and infant patient