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Training and User Support

Training for CIR is provided through a Web-based Training (WBT) program after you have been enrolled in CIR. The WBT allows agency users to train for CIR when it is convenient for them and their agency, to refresh themselves on modules when new assignments are made, provide new staff with training, and retake modules about which users may have less confidence.

Collections Reporting Web Topics: Not just “how to,” but “why”

Collections Reporting Web Topics are brief presentations intended to supplement the information users will review in the Web-based Training (WBT) modules and the online help and reference documents. For example, some Topics provide information about “why” you might choose one report over another or how to decide which parameters to choose on a report to select particular types of collections vouchers. Other Topics provide tips on how to personalize your settings to make your use of CIR a little more efficient. Users will most benefit from the presentations if they have already taken the WBTs and are familiar with the online help and reference documents.

Most Web Topics allow you to view a recorded presentation with voice narration via WebEx (“Streaming version”) and as an Adobe PDF with the same narration printed within the notes. Depending on your computer’s configuration, when you select the Streaming version, the presentation will download and start automatically or you will receive further instructions how to download and play the file. Follow the on-screen directions to access the presentation. The Adobe PDF version may be downloaded and saved to your computer and may also be printed.

GIF fileFormatting and Printing Reports: Learn about the different formats of system reports and how you may be able to take advantage of them at your agency. Learn tips for printing the reports using different formats such as Adobe PDF and Microsoft Excel.

GIF fileUsing the Fedwire Reports: Learn about the differences among the Fedwire reports. You will see the Fedwire Message Summary Report run for several different scenarios, how to drill down to the Fedwire Detail Report, and the features and advantages of the Fedwire Download Report. This Web Topic will also give you some tips for working with the reports in CSV format.

GIF fileUsing the Fedwire Download Report: Learn how to use report prompts to develop more targeted reports. You will see how the Fedwire Download Report is structured, how to use the report when viewed through Business Objects Web Intelligence format and how to use the report in CSV format.

Note: The Web Topics below were produced prior to the name change from TRS to CIR. The features and functions described in the reports below work the same in CIR as they did in TRS.

Personalizing Your Application Views: Understand the personal settings available to users in the CIR application and how you can define these in order to personalize and streamline how you use the software.

Using the Voucher Reports: Learn how to work with the Voucher Report and the Voucher Detail Report. You will see how to use different parameters to refine your results. This Web Topic will address the features and advantages of the Voucher Download Report, the use of Classification Data and vouchers categorized as “preliminary.”

Security Users Series Understand the CIR Security User role and responsibilities. The Web Topics will explain the steps that may be necessary to reactivate or maintain users within access groups.

For additional assistance, please contact the CIR Call Center:
Phone: (800) 346-5465 or (301) 887-6600

   Last Updated:  January 07, 2013

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