Tag Archives: Health Insurance

The Health Care Picture for the Uninsured

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Tweet Written by: Brett O’Hara In general, a doctor’s visit is a fairly standard event, as about three in four adults made a trip to a medical provider at least once during 2010.  If you lack health insurance, however, the … Continue reading

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Uninsured Rate for Young Adults Drops Sharply

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Tweet Written by: Brett O’Hara Every year, the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey asks respondents whether they had any health insurance coverage during the previous calendar year. Collected since 1987, these statistics are the longest series that measure health insurance … Continue reading

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Health Insurance: Most Have Coverage

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Tweet Written by: David Johnson, US Census Bureau   New figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau show that most of us – 256.2 million, or 83.7 percent – did, in fact, have health insurance coverage during the entire 2010 … Continue reading

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Health Insurance: Who Has Coverage, Who Doesn’t?

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Tweet Written by: David Johnson, Chief, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division In recent months you’ve probably heard figures cited on news broadcasts countless times on the number of people who do not have health insurance. Every year, these figures … Continue reading

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