Research & Development

Thermal Hydraulics Methods (THM)

Delivers thermal-hydraulic simuulation tools to Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA)

Objectives and Strategies

  • Deliver next-generation T-H simulation tools to VERA, interfaced with the latest Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VUQ) technologies, and accommodating tight coupling with other physics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): Deliver non-proprietary, scalable, verified and validated CFD tools
  • Interface Tracking Methods (ITM): Generate microscale simulation results for CFD closure models
  • Experiments: Provide validation data for CFD/ITM and fundamental understanding development

Requirements Drivers

  • Advances in THM needed to attain the mesh and physics fidelity required for detailed investigation of nuclear engineering problems
  • Key requirements:
    • Scalable implicit algorithms for turbulent multiphase flow, from microscale through component length scales
    • Ability to quickly mesh and analyze complex geometries
    • Subgrid models that are focused on developing engineering solutions

Outcomes and Impact

  • VERA will have the following CFD capabilities:
    • Single and multiphase models
    • Subgrid models, tuned to PWRs
    • Coupled with and targeted towards specific reactor physics
  • Use the capabilities developed to gain new insight into nuclear engineering challenges
  • Position 3-D CFD capability for predictive departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) and loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) simulations