Posts Tagged Parenting

Websites Teach Kids How to Deal With Bullying

By Lisa Daniel

The start of school is a good time to talk to children about the complicated and heartbreaking problem of bullying. Fortunately, there are at least two good websites devoted to the cause.

The Federal Partners for Bullying Prevention website, created by the Health Resources and Services Administration and its eight partner departments, is offering a video challenge to help prevent and end bullying in schools and communities across the nation.

The contest invites youth ages 13-18 to create a 30- to 60-second video to inform and motivate youth to prevent bullying. The videos should promote an environment of kindness and respect for others, and show how not to be a bystander to bullying, Education Secretary Arne Duncan says in a video on the site. Video entries must be submitted by Oct. 14.

The Department of Defense Education Activity has joined in the federal partnership and has its own Web page on bullying prevention that gives advice to parents and kids about how to deal with bullies and prevent it.

For parents, the DODEA site advises:

– If your child is being bullied, talk to his or her teacher instead of confronting the bully’s parents. If no action is taken, talk to the principal;

– Teach your child nonviolent ways to deal with bullies, like walking away or talking it out;

– Role-play bullying scenarios with your child and help your child act with self-confidence;

– Practice walking upright, looking people in the eye, and speaking clearly;

– Don’t encourage your child to fight — he or she could get hurt, get in trouble or start more serious problems with the bully; and

– Involve your children in activities outside of school so they know they can make friends in a different social circle. Read the rest of this entry »

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Webinars Offer Tips on Finances, Parenting

By Elaine Wilson
Jan. 4, 2010

Military OneSource will present a series of webinars this month designed to aid military families with everything from parenting and homework to money management and debt.

 Webinars are web-based training sessions using teleconference audio and the Internet to deliver an interactive seminar.

 I encourage our military families to check out these free workshops, which are open to anyone with access to Military OneSource. For more information on the webinars or to find out how to join one, visit Military OneSource’s webinar information page or call 1-800-342-9647.

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Obama Urges Families to Stay Engaged

Lt. Matt Martin greets his wife and son during a homecoming celebration for the Raptors of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron July 5, 2009, at Naval Air Station North Island, Calif. (U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Rialyn Rodrigo)

Lt. Matt Martin greets his wife and son during a homecoming celebration for the Raptors of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron July 5, 2009, at Naval Air Station North Island, Calif. (U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Rialyn Rodrigo)

By Elaine Wilson
Sept. 28, 2009

I’m often tempted to turn on the TV in a quest for a quiet, argument-free evening meal. But I always hesitate, not wanting to lose out on a chance to talk to my kids without distraction or interruption.

Turns out my TV-free dinners may offer another major benefit: they may help keep my kids drug free.

Today’s Family Day, a national effort to encourage families to spend time together as a way to combat substance abuse. In his Family Day proclamation, President Barack Obama praises America’s families for their dedication and their efforts in keeping kids drug free.
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