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Federal Aviation Administration

The mission of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) office in Kabul is to assist the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in meeting international civil aviation safety security standards. This work is carried out by three officers, including the Civil Aviation Attaché, a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) official assigned to the office and a Department of Transportation official specializing in surface transportation. 

The work undertaken by the FAA in Afghanistan is multi-faceted, including developing aviation professionals and civil aviation law, assisting Afghanistan with construction and refurbishment projects and transitioning management of airport processes to the Afghan government. In developing professionals, the FAA is helping the government develop methods for proper compensation and train personnel in all aspects of civil aviation. Construction and other building projects include a cargo area at Kabul International Airport (KIA) and modernizing the air traffic control tower and facilities. As more security, traffic control and other necessary personnel are developed, Afghanistan will be able to take over full management of facilities.

Documents and Web Pages:
FAA Home Page: