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Interagency Agriculture Team

Embassy Kabul’s Department of Agriculture (USDA) Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA) works closely with all U.S. Embassy mission elements to provide technical assistance for the reconstruction of Afghanistan’s agricultural sector. Agriculture is the main source of income for the Afghan economy with up to 80 percent of Afghan livelihoods consisting of farming, livestock, or both. Decades of war, drought and social upheaval have devastated the country’s agricultural sector. The OAA works closely with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL). The Embassy agricultural team will play a critical role in the effort to rebuild the agricultural economy of Afghanistan and to provide long-term and sustainable development. A very critical part of this effort is President Obama’s vision that our top reconstruction priority would be the restoration of Afghanistan’s once very vibrant agricultural sector.

Our goals with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan include:

  • Increased agricultural sector jobs and income
  • Increased agricultural activity
  • Regenerate agribusiness
  • Rehabilitate watersheds and improve irrigation infrastructure
  • Increase the Ministry’s capacity to deliver services to rural farmers and herders and promote the private sector and farmer associations

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 Contact Us

Telephone:  [93] 0706-797-071
Fax: NONE – Please scan and e-mail any necessary documents to us.
Kabul is 9½ hours ahead of EST; 8½ hours ahead of EDT.

Using the general emailbox number assures that your message will be answered promptly even if the officer who is the primary point of contact on your issue is away from the office.

Mailing Address:
US Embassy – Kabul
DPO AE 09806

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