Frequently Asked Questions
  • How long does it take to get an order?
    If the item has an "in stock" status when your order is placed, it will be shipped in 2-3 business days.
    You can expect to receive it within 7-10 days from the date you placed the order. If the item...
  • How will I know when my order has been shipped?
    You will receive a shipping confirmation via e-mail when your order has been shipped from our warehouse.
    You may also track the status of your order through the "Your Account" feature of the Ordering...
  • How can I expedite an order?
    If you need to receive an in stock item sooner than 7-10 days, please call 1-800-942-2677 to
    arrangements for expedited shipping.
  • Can my order be shipped to a P.O. Box?
    In general, we prefer to a physical street address versus a P.O.Box when shipping your order because we
    ship many orders via traceable methods and the carrier will not deliver to a P.O. Box.
  • Why do you need my telephone number?
    We request a daytime telephone number in case there is a problem with the shipping or delivery of your order.
    We do not share or sell this information.
  • How can I view PDF files?
    PDF files must be viewed with an Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy, it can be downloaded for
    free from the Adobe web site.