
Fluxnet Information
Site Name: Mize
Description: The Mize tract site is a regenerating clearcut slash pine plantation located in north-central Florida. Prior to the establishment of the current stand, the tract was dominated by a rotation-aged (25 years old) slash pine plantation managed for pulpwood production. All slash pines were harvested for stems only in 1998 and subsequently replanted at approximately 1800 trees/ha. Fertilization practices occurred in 2002, when the entire area was treated with 40 kgN/ha and 25 kgP/ha. The current even-aged overstory of the Mize tract remains solely composed of slash pines with assorted understory species native to the region. Three major natural disturbances occurred between 2000 and 2005. A severe ‘100- year drought’ began in 2000 and lasted until the summer of 2002. During the winter of 2000-2001, temperatures fell below 0.1 C 32 days, 16 more freeze days than the long-term average. Three tropical storms hit the Gainesville-area flux sites in August and September 2004. Heavy rain from these storms left the Mize tract inundated in September and October, and high winds impacted tree canopy leaf area. (Powell et al., 2008, Gholz and Clark 2002, Biological Template)
Status: Active, core measurements presently being made
Country: United States
Fluxnet Site Code: US-SP2

Additional Information


Location Information
Country: Florida, United States
(Lat, Long)
29.7648, -82.2448

PI Info

Investigator Information
Investigator: Timothy Martin (Website)

University of Florida
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
326 Newins-Ziegler Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410
Investigator: Henry Gholz (Website)

National Science Foundation
Long-Term Ecological Research Program
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230
Investigator: Gregory Starr
University of Alabama
Department of Biological Sciences
A-225C Bevill building, Campus Box 870336
Tuscaloosa,AL 35487
Investigator: Rosvel Bracho (Website)

University of Florida
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
224B Newins-Ziegler Hall
Gainesville, FL USA 32611


Affiliation Information
Affiliation Name: AmeriFlux
Affiliation ID: 41
Affiliation Site Page: http://ameriflux.ornl.gov/fullsiteinfo.php?sid=41


FLUXNET Determined Variables

Site Information
GTOPO30 Elevationmore info: 46m
IGBP Land Usemore info: Mixed Forests
UMD Land Usemore info: Mixed Forests
NPP Land Covermore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Vegetation
KGCCmore info: Cfa - Warm temperate fully humid with hot summer
LAI F/PAR Land Usemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
Investigator Provided Vegetation Typemore info: Pine flatwoods, a pine uplands and cypress wetlands ecosystem assemblage that occupies nearly half of Floridian terrestrial landscape. The Mize tract is 100% pine uplands, characterized by an overstory composed solely of slash pines with a moderately dense shrub understory.
Tower Heightmore info: 18.5m
Plant Functional Typemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Trees


Data Repository Information
Data Collection Timeframe:1995-2011
AmeriFlux: http://public.ornl.gov/ameriflux/dataproducts.shtml

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Investigator Information
Investigator: Timothy Martin (Website)

University of Florida
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
326 Newins-Ziegler Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410
Investigator: Henry Gholz (Website)

National Science Foundation
Long-Term Ecological Research Program
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230
Investigator: Gregory Starr
University of Alabama
Department of Biological Sciences
A-225C Bevill building, Campus Box 870336
Tuscaloosa,AL 35487
Investigator: Rosvel Bracho (Website)

University of Florida
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
224B Newins-Ziegler Hall
Gainesville, FL USA 32611
Location Information
Country: Florida, United States
(Lat, Long)
29.7648, -82.2448
Affiliation Information
Affiliation Name: AmeriFlux
Affiliation ID: 41
Affiliation Site Page: http://ameriflux.ornl.gov/fullsiteinfo.php?sid=41
Site Information
GTOPO30 Elevationmore info: 46m
IGBP Land Usemore info: Mixed Forests
UMD Land Usemore info: Mixed Forests
NPP Land Covermore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Vegetation
KGCCmore info: Cfa - Warm temperate fully humid with hot summer
LAI F/PAR Land Usemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
Investigator Provided Vegetation Typemore info: Pine flatwoods, a pine uplands and cypress wetlands ecosystem assemblage that occupies nearly half of Floridian terrestrial landscape. The Mize tract is 100% pine uplands, characterized by an overstory composed solely of slash pines with a moderately dense shrub understory.
Tower Heightmore info: 18.5m
Plant Functional Typemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Trees
Data Repository Information
Data Collection Timeframe:1995-2011
AmeriFlux: http://public.ornl.gov/ameriflux/dataproducts.shtml
Links to Additional Site Related Information
MODIS Visualization: http://daac.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/MODIS/GR_col5_1/siteselection.pl?now3=get_site_table_2&siteid=1071
External Web Site: http://carboncenter.ifas.ufl.edu/ameriflux.shtml
Network Data Access: http://public.ornl.gov/ameriflux/dataproducts.shtml
Daymet Data Download: http://daymet.ornl.gov/data/send/query?lat=29.7648&lon=-82.24481667
Tower Site Information Disclaimer
Information displayed has been gathered from regional network websites and/or personal communication with investigators. If you have found an error, please send us an email with a description of the error.