Oak Openings

Fluxnet Information
Site Name: Oak Openings
Description: The Ohio Oak Openings site is located within the Oak Openings Preserve Metropark of northwest Ohio, one of the few remaining oak woodlands/savanna/prairie complexes in the Midwest. Declared one of the "One of America's Last Great Places" by the Nature Conservancy, the area consists of four main vegetation types: Oak Woodlands, Oak Savanna, Floodplain Forests, and Wet Prairies. The stand surrounding the tower is mainly Oak Woodlands, dominated by red, white, and black oaks, with a relatively abundant population of red maples indicating high soil moisture retention and a history of limited fire disturbances. Most of the area was cleared for agriculture at the time of Euro-American settlements in the mid to late-19th century. A large fraction of the cleared land was later abandoned due to the poor sandy soils. These areas reverted to Oak Savannas and in cases where fire was limited, progressively made the transition to Oak Woodlands. Today, patches of the forest are burned every few years as part of prescribed burning cycle to control stand density. During the first two years of active data collection, 2005 was warmer and dryer than 2004, with a pronounced drought period during the annual period of canopy development. (Noormets et al., 2008, DeForest et al., 2006, Brewer et al., 2004, Level 1 FTP Directory Documentation)
Status: Active, core measurements presently being made
Country: United States
Fluxnet Site Code: US-Oho

Additional Information


Location Information
Country: Ohio, United States
(Lat, Long)
41.5545, -83.8438

PI Info

Investigator Information
Investigator: Jiquan Chen (Website)

University of Toledo
Earth, Ecological & Environmental Sciences, Bowman-Oddy Laboratories
2801 West Bancroft, Mail Stop 604
Toledo, OH 43606-3390
Investigator: Karrin Alstad (Website)

University of Toledo
Bowman-Oddy Labs
Mail Stop 604
Toledo, OH 43606


Affiliation Information
Affiliation Name: AmeriFlux
Affiliation ID: 80
Affiliation Site Page: http://ameriflux.ornl.gov/fullsiteinfo.php?sid=80


FLUXNET Determined Variables

Site Information
GTOPO30 Elevationmore info: 200m
IGBP Land Usemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
UMD Land Usemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
NPP Land Covermore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Vegetation
KGCCmore info: Dfa - Snow with fully humid hot summer
LAI F/PAR Land Usemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
Investigator Provided Vegetation Typemore info: Fire-managed oak woodland
Tower Heightmore info: 32m
Plant Functional Typemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Trees


Data Repository Information
Data Collection Timeframe:2003-2011
AmeriFlux: http://public.ornl.gov/ameriflux/dataproducts.shtml

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Investigator Information
Investigator: Jiquan Chen (Website)

University of Toledo
Earth, Ecological & Environmental Sciences, Bowman-Oddy Laboratories
2801 West Bancroft, Mail Stop 604
Toledo, OH 43606-3390
Investigator: Karrin Alstad (Website)

University of Toledo
Bowman-Oddy Labs
Mail Stop 604
Toledo, OH 43606
Location Information
Country: Ohio, United States
(Lat, Long)
41.5545, -83.8438
Affiliation Information
Affiliation Name: AmeriFlux
Affiliation ID: 80
Affiliation Site Page: http://ameriflux.ornl.gov/fullsiteinfo.php?sid=80
Site Information
GTOPO30 Elevationmore info: 200m
IGBP Land Usemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
UMD Land Usemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
NPP Land Covermore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Vegetation
KGCCmore info: Dfa - Snow with fully humid hot summer
LAI F/PAR Land Usemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
Investigator Provided Vegetation Typemore info: Fire-managed oak woodland
Tower Heightmore info: 32m
Plant Functional Typemore info: Deciduous Broadleaf Trees
Data Repository Information
Data Collection Timeframe:2003-2011
AmeriFlux: http://public.ornl.gov/ameriflux/dataproducts.shtml
Links to Additional Site Related Information
MODIS Visualization: http://daac.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/MODIS/GR_col5_1/siteselection.pl?now3=get_site_table_2&siteid=1019
External Web Site: http://research.eeescience.utoledo.edu/lees/research/sgcp/OakO/
FTP Data Access: http://research.eeescience.utoledo.edu/lees/Research/SGCP/Data_05/Oak.htm
Network Data Access: http://public.ornl.gov/ameriflux/dataproducts.shtml
Daymet Data Download: http://daymet.ornl.gov/data/send/query?lat=41.55454&lon=-83.84376
Tower Site Information Disclaimer
Information displayed has been gathered from regional network websites and/or personal communication with investigators. If you have found an error, please send us an email with a description of the error.