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I Marine Expeditionary Force

From Every Clime and Place

Reserve Liaison Office (RLO)




IMA ADMIN SECTION (760) 725-9210



The I MEF IMA (Individual Mobilized Augmentee) Program is the largest “Operational IMA” in the Marine Corps.  The IMA program provides a source of pre-trained and qualified members from the SMCR to fill individual drilling reserve billets that are integrated with the Active Duty (AD) staff at the I MEF command Element (CE) & it’s Major Subordinate Commands (MSC), 1st MarDiv, 3rd MAW, 1st MLG & I MHG.

The IMA is used to support active duty organization requirements.  They are to become prepared to step in & be fully functional during exercises, deployments or other specialized or technical requirements.  During periods of wartime, contingency operations & OCO, IMAs fill active duty shortages & assists in filling rear as well as forward deployed billets.

IMA Marines rate 48 drills as well as 12 – 13 days of Annual Training (AT) per Fiscal Year (FY), not anniversary year.  Unlike their SMCR counterparts, IMAs have no published/required drill schedules.  They schedule their drills & AT with their AD counterparts according to their own individual schedules & their section’s requirements.  However the expectation at the MEF is that an IMA Marine drills with the AD counterparts sometime during the work week (not weekends unless their AD counterparts are working the weekend) at a minimum of once a quarter as well as mobilize once during their 3-5 year IMA tour to support deployments (in keeping with MARFORRES’ dwell ration o 1:5).

The I MEF IMA Program is managed by the I MEF G-1 Reserve Liaison Office (RLO), on Camp DelMar, Camp Pendleton, California.  The RLO is the IMA Operations Sponsor for all IMA billets within I MEF CE, as well as its many MSCs.


The I MEF IMA Program has three types of billets that we are actively recruiting:

-Drilling IMA Billets: I MEF has numerous drilling billets in which reservists work along with their AD counterparts while on drills, AT and conventional AD Operational Support (ADOS).  For a list of drilling billets, please access the below RDOL link or contact our IMA recruiters.  You will need to submit a Reserve Qualification Summary (RQS) and your Master Brief Sheet (MBS) to be screened to see if we can match you up with an IMA billet. 

-JMD deployment billets:  Joint Manning Document (JMD).  When filling a JMD billet, Marines will fill “Joint” billets & find themselves working alongside personnel from other Marine Corps Organizations, services, countries or a combination of all three.  To see a list of available JMD’s for your specific Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and reporting timelines, please contact the recruiting section.

-Mobilization Billets:  I MEF (MEF CE, MHG, 1st MARDIV, 3D MAW & 1st MLG) is recruiting reservists out of the IRR, SMCR & IMAs to mobilize for 17 – 20 months in a variety of billets (forward and rear) to support our deployment to Afghanistan from March 2012 to March 2013.

Depending on the billet, mobilization orders will either start 1 October 2011 or 2 January 2012 & end approximately on 31 May 2013.  A complete list of billets to include, Transition teams & Police Mentor Teams (PMT) should be released by 1 June 2011 to include numerous staff billets (officer & enlisted) from the rank of Cpl to Col.

GI (Admin)