Argonne National Laboratory



Department of Energy Office of Science
GM/CA @ APS Sponsors:
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Beamline Specifications

GM/CA @ APS operates three stations for macromolecular crystallography. Two of them, 23ID-D and 23ID-B are based on two independently tunable undulators. Their optical components are located in hutches 23ID-A, 23ID-B and 23 ID-C. Respective experimental stations are located in the hutches 23ID-D and 23ID-C.
Third station is based on bending magnet with its optical components in 23BM-A and the experimental station in 23BM-B

23ID-D consists of double crystal monochromator and K-B pair of biomorph mirrors for vertical and horizontal focusing. Design parameters for this beamline are:

Monochromator energy range 3.5 – 35 keV
monochromator energy resolution ΔE/E < 2x10-4 over full energy range
Minimum focal size 50 μm Vertically and 200 μm horizontally

23ID-B contains all same components as 23-ID-D and two additional horizontally deflecting mirrors. Design parameters for this beamline are:

Monochromator energy range 3.5 – 20 keV
monochromator energy resolution ΔE/E < 2x10-4 over full energy range
Minimum focal size 50 μm Vertically and μm 200 horizontally

23BM beamline has sagitally focusing double crystal monochromator and vertically focusing mirror. Design parameters for this beamline are:

Monochromator energy range 3.5 – 35 keV
monochromator energy resolution ΔE/E < 2x10-4 over full energy range
Minimum focal size 100 μm Vertically and μm 250 horizontally

After each optical component, there is Beam Position Monitor (BPM) to maintain beam stability.
Please refer to the Experimental Envelope for current status of beamlines

GM/CA @ APS is an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory

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