Argonne National Laboratory Center for Nanoscale Materials U.S. Department of Energy

2011 Argonne Awards

We are pleased to announce that Elena Shevchenko of the NanoBio Interfaces Group has received the 2011 Distinguished Performance Award given by the UChicago Argonne, L.L.C., Board of Governors of Argonne National Laboratory.

In addition, the Board of Governors has also selected the recipients of the 2011 Director's Team Award for Outstanding Safety Performance. We are pleased to announce that the team for "SPM 441" includes Stuart Feinberg, Brandon Fisher, Joseph Gregar, Nathan Guisinger, Jeffrey Guest, Amanda Petford-Long, Catherine Riblon, Bruce Stockmeier, and Ronald Tollner of CNM.

The recipients were honored in an awards ceremony and reception on July 14, 2011.

Elena Shevchenko 2011 Performance Award

Elena Shevchenko receives 2011
Distinguished Performance Award

Recipients of 2011 Director's Team Award for Outstanding Safety Performance


May 2011

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