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Number: DOO 20-8
Effective Date: 2004-01-16


.01 This Order prescribes the functions and organization of the Office of Human Resources Management (the Office). (The position of Director for Human Resources Management is authorized in DOO 10-5.)

.02 This revision abolishes the Worker's Compensation Operations Center; transfers the Department's occupational safety and health program and health services contract from the Office of Administrative Services to the Office of Human Resources Management; adds the worker's compensation function to the Office of Occupational Safety and Health program; establishes the Office of Training and Knowledge Management, and the position of Director for Strategic Initiatives in the Office of the Director; and incorporates the outstanding amendment.


The Office of Human Resources Management, a Departmental office, is headed by a Director who reports to and is responsible to the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration (the Assistant Secretary) and to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration (the Deputy Assistant Secretary). The Director shall exercise all authority and responsibility formerly vested in the Director of Personnel under various Department Orders and directives of the Office of Personnel Management pursuant to Executive Order 9830. The Director shall be assisted by a Deputy Director, who shall participate with the Director in management of the activities of the Office and who shall perform all functions of the Director during the latter's absence.


In addition to the authority implicit in and essential to carrying out the functions assigned to the Office, the Director:

a. Is delegated all authorities and responsibilities vested in the Assistant Secretary for the development and management of all human resources policies and programs, including training, administration on behalf of the Assistant Secretary, the agency-head review of collective bargaining required by 5 U.S.C. 7114(c)(2) and 22 U.S.C. 4113(f)(1); the direction, administration, processing, and authority to take final action on all personnel actions; all aspects of payroll administration; and all matters involving the management of the integrated personnel/payroll system;

b. Is authorized to redelegate authority to other officials of the Department of Commerce (the Department), and within the Office, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed;

c. Shall serve as adviser to, and the representative of, the Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary on all matters of human resources management, administration, compensation and occupational safety and health;

d. Is responsible for providing the full range of human resources training and payroll advice and services to the Office of the Secretary and to such other components of the Department as may be warranted for efficient cross-servicing.


Pursuant to the authority vested in the Assistant Secretary and the Deputy Assistant Secretary by Department Organization Order 10-5, and subject to such policies and directives as the Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary may prescribe, the Director shall:

a. Have Department-wide staff responsibilities for the development, administration and oversight of policies and programs for human resources management, workers' compensation, and occupational safety and health. The Director ensures that the Office exploits new technology, methods, and approaches and new authorities and flexibilities in meeting the human resources needs of the Office of the Secretary and the Department as a whole. This includes development and use of executive resources; administration of pay, bonuses, and incentives; administration of leave and hours of work; administration of payroll support and time-and-attendance controls; workforce planning, recruitment, and employment; training and career development; employee recognition, morale, and performance appraisal; employee relations, benefits, and services; labor management relations; workers' compensation; organizational restructuring guidance, using such tools as voluntary early retirement and voluntary separation incentives; unemployment compensation; oversight of unique human resources systems such as the Foreign Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps, as well as innovations and projects such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology Alternative Personnel System and Commerce Demonstration Project; ensuring that the Department's Strategic Management of Human Capital Initiative fosters high-performing organizations aligned with the Department's Strategic Plan; evaluation of human resources management activities Department-wide; examination of adherence to merit principles and prevention of prohibited personnel practices; the promotion of effective human resources management; and the development of policies and procedures, and the administration of the Department's occupational safety and health programs, including appropriate health services contracts.

b. Deliver, maintain and approve Department-wide and approve bureau-specific automated human resources systems and serve as the focal point for collection and reporting of human resources information.

c. Provide human resources and payroll services as indicated above to the Office of the Secretary and such other components of the Department as may be included in the same servicing area.

d. Establish and maintain close working relationships with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and with elements of the Office of Management and Budget, the Department of State, the Department of Labor (DOL), the General Accounting Office, and other government agencies involved in human resources management; coordinate closely with those Departmental offices having related responsibilities such as the Office of the General Counsel, Office of Management and Organization, Office of Budget, Office of Security, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Office of Civil Rights, and the Office of the Inspector General.

e. In coordination with the Office of White House Liaison (OWHL), where applicable, plan, develop, and coordinate Department-wide policies, programs, and activities for executive resources management (Presidential, career, and noncareer, including Schedule Cs).

f. Lead the Human Resources Council, which is comprised of bureau Human Resources managers, to ensure close coordination of Department human resources policies and practices, to disseminate timely human resources information, and to solicit bureau views on human resources policy making.

g. Establish, coordinate and direct the development and implementation of Department-wide employee development, succession planning, human capital management, and supervisory and executive development programs, policies and procedures.


Under the direction and supervision of the Director and Deputy Director, the functions of the Office shall be carried out as follows:

a. The Office of the Director shall consist of the Director and the Deputy Director, who shall provide overall management and administration of Department-wide human resources programs; and the Director for Strategic Initiatives who shall oversee the following offices:

1. The Office of Training and Knowledge Management shall provide Department-wide direction for all aspects of human capital management involving employee development, knowledge management, training, and supervisory, managerial and executive development; provide for executive succession planning by developing future members of the senior executive service (SES) through the development, implementation and maintenance of the SES candidate development program; develop and maintain the expertise of supervisors and managers by developing and implementing training programs for probationary and vested supervisors and managers; replenish Department talent by continuous learning and intern programs; develop and implement

e-learning programs and process and maintenance of the Department Learning Management System.

2. The Office of Employment, Diversity and Classification Programs (EDCP) shall plan, develop and coordinate Department-wide policies, programs, tools, systems, and activities in the areas of: recruitment, placement and utilization, including all forms of permanent and special employment programs; diversity outreach; internal merit staffing; position classification and management; the Department=s Demonstration Project; compensation; pay policy (as it pertains to pay setting); special salary and wage schedules; allowances and differentials; and employee indebtedness and overpayment. Additionally, EDCP shall ensure that the Department's requirements are met under the personnel/payroll cross-servicing agreement with the National Finance Center and ensure compliance with OPM requirements for the Central Personnel Data File. Coordination activities include interaction with other government and non-government organizations regarding mutual interests.

3. The Office of Management and Administrative Support (OMAS) shall plan, develop and administer programs, processes, systems and tools to provide overall management and administrative support to the OHRM including: the coordination of Office-wide efforts or special projects as needed by the Director; management and oversight of the Office-wide Website, human resources systems contracts, human resources and information technology strategic and operating plans, and information technology systems security plans; budget formulation; procurement; and property management. Additionally, OMAS shall serve as the focal point for information collection, Department-wide reporting and statistical analyses; serve as the liaison with Departmental information technology offices; and shall coordinate office automation initiatives and network activities.

b. The Office of Workforce Programs (OWP) shall plan, develop and coordinate Department-wide policies, programs, tools, systems and activities in the areas of labor-management relations and partnerships; employee relations; grievance systems, discipline, adverse actions and performance-based actions and appeals; alternative dispute resolution; reduction-in-force, including reemployment and priority placement; performance management and incentive awards; employee assistance; drug testing; unemployment compensation and liaison with the Department of Labor and state employment offices; retirement systems and social security; the thrift savings program; health and life insurance programs; hours of duty and leave; time and attendance; work/life programs; organizational restructuring guidance, using such tools as voluntary early retirement and voluntary separation incentives; as well as conduct or support analytical studies and customer surveys; surveys of best practices of other organizations; and provide guidance on position designation and suitability. Additionally, the OWP shall coordinate policies, programs and activities in the areas of oversight, accountability, measurements, and benchmarking, as they pertain to human resources management programs throughout the Department. Coordination activities include interaction with other government and non-government organizations regarding mutual interests.

c. The Office of Human Resources Services (OHRS) shall plan, organize and administer a complete program of human resources management and payroll advice and services that are responsive, customer focused, concentrated on core services, and tailored to meet the needs of the Office of the Secretary and other components of the Department as specified by the Director and the Assistant Secretary. Additionally, OHRS shall offer a full range of human resources support to their customers, based on customer needs and program requirements and help the customer accomplish goals and give program guidance on activities relating to: recruitment; placement, position management and classification; pay determinations; employee utilization; employee relations; labor-management relations; employee recognition and awards; performance appraisal; employee services and benefits assistance; and personnel records and processing systems.

d. The Office of Executive Resources (OER) shall plan, develop and coordinate Department-wide policies, programs, tools, systems and activities in the area of executive resources management (Presidential appointments, Schedule C appointments, career and noncareer SES appointments, and positions at comparable levels); support the Departmental Executive Resources Board (DERB) and administer all executive resources programs in accordance with the policies of the DERB; and coordinate with the OWHL and OPM on all matters involving career and noncareer executive resources and positions in the excepted service. The OER shall also provide guidance on activities relating to recruitment, position classification, and position management of career SES and other positions at comparable levels for the Office of the Secretary, the Office of General Counsel, and the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

e. The Office of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) promotes workplace safety and health, develops policies and procedures, provides workers' compensation services, and conducts program assessments to ensure compliance with safety and health regulations. This function works to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses, and the associated costs, by reviewing and analyzing injury and workers' compensation claims to assess causal factors and developing guidance to prevent injuries. The OSH enhances supervisor and employee understanding of safety and health requirements through informational and promotional activities. The OSH also manages workers' compensation services through in-house staff and contractor services. This function serves to ensure that employees and their supervisors receive assistance with the workers' compensation process, and that claims are reviewed and processed in a timely and efficient manner.


This Order supersedes Department Organization Order 20-8, dated March 2, 2000, as amended.

Signed by: Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration

Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

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