National Cancer InstituteU.S. National Institutes of
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities logo

Undergraduate Funding Opportunities

CRHCD supports undergraduate students from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds with interests in science opportunities for training in cancer and cancer health disparities research.

Research Project Grant Supplements

  • PA-12-149 - Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research

    These research supplements aim to improve the diversity of the research workforce by funding students, post-doctorates, and eligible investigators from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in cancer and cancer health disparities research. Candidates include individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    Program Contact: email Dr. Peter Ogunbiyi, phone: (301) 496-8589
    Applications Accepted: October 1 - December 1 and March 1 - May 1
    Eligible Candidates: High School, Undergraduates, Graduates, Post-Baccalaureates, Post-Master's, Postdoctorals, Junior Investigators

CURE Supplement

  • Supplements to the NCI Cancer Center Support Grant (P30)

    The purpose of the P30 CURE supplement is to engage the scientific curiosity and promote the potential cancer research careers of promising undergraduate students and to take full advantage of the community outreach and research capabilities of NCI-supported Cancer Centers. The goal of this supplement initiative is to expose promising undergraduate students from underrepresented populations to the excitement of state-of-the-art biomedical research in the basic, clinical and population sciences, and to actively promote careers of such individuals in cancer research through the opportunities available in the CURE program.

    Program Contact: email Dr. Alison Lin, phone: (301) 496-8589
    Applications Accepted: October 1 - December 1 and March 1 - May 1
    Eligible Candidates: High School, Undergraduates

Other Opportunities

American Association for Cancer Research

  • Young Minority Scientists in the Field of Cancer

    This initiative provides support for minority students, faculty researchers and young minority physicians to attend the national meetings of the AACR, and, in particular, to stimulate participation of predoctoral and postdoctoral minority students as well as young minority clinicians in cancer research. The Minority Scholar in Cancer Research Award covers registration, transportation, meals and lodging.

Co-funding Initiatives

Updated: 01/25/13