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Lung and Upper Aerodigestive Cancer Research Group


View All  |  2012-2010  |  2009-2005

  • Coming soon
  • Doria-Rose VP and Szabo E. Lung Cancer Screening and Prevention of Lung Cancer. In: Current Multidisciplinary Oncology: Lung Cancer. Edited by K Kernstine and K Reckamp. NY, NY: Demos Medical, 2011, pp 53-72.
  • Kelly RJ, Lopez-Chavez A, Szabo E. Criteria of evidence to move potential chemopreventive agents into late phase clinical trials. Current Drug Targets. 2010 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print].
    [ PubMed Abstract ]
  • Giaccone G, Rajan A, Berman A, Kelly R, Szabo E, Lopez-Chavez A, Trepel J, Lee M-J, Cao L, Espinoza-Delgado I, Spittler J, Loehrer P. Belinostat Phase II Study in patients with recurrent or refractory advanced thymic epithelial tumors. J Clin Oncol, In Press.
  • Meyskens FL, Curt GA, Brenner DE, Gordon G, Herberman RB, Finn O, Kelloff GJ, Khleif SN, Sigman CC, Szabo E. Regulatory approval of cancer risk-reducing (chemopreventive) drugs: moving what we have learned into the clinic. Cancer Prev Res, In Press.
  • Reid JM, Walden C, Qin R, Ziegler KLA, Haslam JL, Rajewski RA, Warndahl R, Fitting CL, Boring D, Szabo E, Crowell J, Perloff M, Jong L, Mandrekar SJ, Ames MM, Limburg PJ. Single-dose Phase 0 exploratory pharmacokinetic clinical trial comparing five oral formulations of SR13668, an orally active AKT pathway inhibitor. Cancer Prev Res, In Press.
  • Veronesi G, Szabo E, DeCensi A, Guerrieri-Gonzaga A, Bellomi M, Radice D, Ferretti S, Pelosi G, Lazzeroni M, Serrano D, Lippman SM, Spaggiari L, Nardi-Pantoli A, Harari S, Varricchio C, Bonanni B. Randomized Phase II trial of inhaled budesonide versus placebo in high-risk individuals with CT screen-detected lung nodules. Cancer Prev Res. 2011 Jan;4(1):34-42. Epub 2010 Dec 16.
    [ PubMed Abstract ]
  • Demaria S, Pikarsky E, Karin M, Coussens LM, Chen Y-C, El-Omar EM, Trinchieri G, Dubinett SM, Mao JT, Szabo E, Krieg A, et al. Cancer and inflammation: promise for biological therapy. J Immunother. 2010 May;33(4):335-51.
    [ PubMed Abstract ]
  • Gustafson AM, Soldi R, Anderlind C, Scholand MB, Qian J, Zhang X, Cooper K, Walker D, McWilliams A, Liu G, Szabo E, Brody J, Massion PP, Lenburg ME, Lam S, Bild AH, Spira A. Airway PI3K pathway activation is an early and reversible event in lung cancer development. Sci Transl Med. 2010 Apr 7;2(26):26ra25.
    [ PubMed Abstract ]
  • Lazzeroni M, Guerrieri-Gonzaga A, Serrano D, Varricchio MC, Veronesi G, Radice D, Feroce I, Nardi-Pantoli A, Lippman SM, Szabo E, Bonnanni B. Budesonide versus placebo in high-risk population with screen-detected lung nodules: rationale, design and methodology. Contemp Clin Trials. 2010 Nov;31(6):612-9. Epub 2010 Aug 16.
    [ PubMed Abstract ]
  • Maley CC, Szabo E, Reid BJ. Somatic Evolution in Neoplastic Progression and Cancer Prevention. In: Advances in Understanding the Basic Pathogenesis and Clinical Management of Pre-invasive Disease. Edited by R. Fitzgerald. NY, NY: Springer, 2010, pp 111-128.
  • Sharon E, Kelly RJ, Szabo E. Sustained response of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma treated with trastuzumab and capecitabine. Head Neck Oncol. 2010 May 26;2:12
    [ PubMed Abstract ]
  • Smith, JJ, Dunn, B, Greenwald, P (2010). Dynamics of Cancer Prevention. In CH Yarbro, M Frogge, M Goodman, and S Groenwald (Eds.), Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practices (7th Edition). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Szabo E. Assessing efficacy in early-phase cancer prevention trials: the case of the Ki-67 proliferation index in lung cancer prevention. Cancer Prev Res 2010 Feb;3(2):128-31. Epub 2010 Jan 26.
    [ PubMed Abstract ]
  • Szabo E. Phase II cancer prevention clinical trials. Semin Oncol. 2010 Aug;37(4):359-66. Review.
    [ PubMed Abstract ]
  • Wang Y, James M, Wen W, Lu Y, Szabo E, Lubet RA, You M. Chemopreventive effects of pioglitazone on chemically induced lung carcinogenesis in mice. Mol Cancer Ther. 2010 Nov;9(11):3074-82. Epub 2010 Nov 2.
    [ PubMed Abstract ]

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