Senate Finance Committee

The Senate Finance Committee concerns itself with matters relating to: taxation and other revenue measures generally, and those relating to the insular possessions; bonded debt of the United States; customs, collection districts, and ports of entry and delivery; reciprocal trade agreements; tariff and import quotas, and related matters thereto; the transportation of dutiable goods; deposit of public moneys; general revenue sharing; health programs under the Social Security Act, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and other health and human services programs financed by a specific tax or trust fund; and national social security. Committee Web site.

Senate Committee On Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has jurisdiction over the  Department of Homeland Security and is the chief oversight committee for the United States Senate.  Committee Web site.

Subcommittee Assignments:

  • Member Of The Subcommittee On Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, And International Security
  • Ranking Republican On The Ad Hoc Subcommittee On Contracting Oversight

Senate Energy And Natural Resources Committee

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has jurisdiction over energy resources and development, including regulation, conservation, strategic petroleum reserves and appliance standards; nuclear energy; Indian affairs; public lands and their renewable resources; surface mining, Federal coal, oil, and gas, other mineral leasing; territories and insular possessions; and water resources. The committee also oversees National Energy Policy, including international energy affairs and emergency preparedness.  Committee Web site.

Subcommittee Assignments:

  • Member Of The Subcommittee On Energy
  • Member Of The Subcommittee On National Parks

Senate Committee On The Budget

The Senate Committee on the Budget was established in 1974 by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act. Along with the House Budget Committee, it is responsible for drafting Congress' annual budget plan and monitoring action on the budget for the Federal Government. In addition, the Budget Committee has jurisdiction over the operation of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).  Commitee Web site.