United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Maryland Health Care System

VA Maryland Health Care System Construction Updates

  Right arrow  Baltimore VA Medical Center 
  Right arrow Loch Raven VA Campus 
  Right arrow Fort Howard VA Campus 
  Right arrow Perry Point VA Medical Center 
  Right arrow VA Outpatient Clinics 

The VA Maryland Health Care System is undergoing an unprecedented amount of construction and renovation to enhance the care and services provided to our Veteran patients. Each project is a tremendous opportunity to augment and improve the delivery of health care services to our nation's Veterans. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during each of these construction and renovation projects and we apologize for any inconveniences that they might cause.

This web page provides up-to-date information about each of the construction and renovation projects throughout the VA Maryland Health Care System. When visiting any of our facilities that are currently undergoing a construction or renovation, we urge you to pay attention to signage about new traffic patterns.

Baltimore VA Medical Center:

Front Atrium Project – Under construction and visible in the lobby of the Baltimore VA Medical Center is the new addition within the front atrium that will add 20,000 square feet of new space and 20,000 square feet of renovated existing space to the medical center. The additional space includes areas for Managed Care Clinics on the 2nd floor, Research Administration on the 3rd floor, Prosthetics and Consumer Affairs on the 4th floor, the Women’s Clinic on the 5th floor, and Mental Health on the 6th floor. The drive-thru in front of the medical center is closed as a result of this construction project, with all patient drop-offs and pick-ups being made on Greene Street until the completion of the project. This construction project is expected to be completed by spring 2012.

Back Atrium Project – Above the Canteen Dining Area in the back atrium of the Baltimore VA Medical Center, another addition is currently under construction. The project, which will add 4,000 square feet of space to the medical center, will include a large classroom/conference room on the 3rd floor and space for Robotics Research on the 5th floor. The project will also include an expansion to the Canteen Retail Store on the 2nd floor.

Radiation Oncology Suite – A construction contract has been awarded to renovate space for a new Radiation Oncology Suite in the medical center’s basement.  This project will prepare the space for the new clinical program and accommodate associated equipment for cancer treatment such as a linear accelerator.  Construction to support Radiation Oncology began in November 2011.  Due to necessary construction work in the medical center’s parking garage to improve the building structure in support of the new suite, parking and traffic in certain areas of the garage will be effected at various times.  Please be mindful of posted traffic signage in the impacted areas.  The construction for this project is expected to be completed by fall 2013.    

Baltimore VA Annex - To alleviate space shortages at the Baltimore VA Medical Center, the VA Maryland Health Care System has leased a 60,000 square foot building at 209 West Fayette Street. The new Baltimore VA Annex, which is just three blocks from the medical center, houses a variety of clinical, research and administrative programs and services. For more information, visit our Baltimore VA Annex page.

Loch Raven VA Campus:

New Addition - At the Loch Raven VA Community Living & Rehabilitation Center, a 23,000 square foot addition to the facility is nearing completion. The addition will offer expanded space for Kinesiotherapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Recreation Therapy, in addition to providing a new multipurpose room for the facility. After the completion of this construction project and the move of the therapy programs to the new addition, the vacated space will be used to create a new chapel and office space for the Loch Raven VA Community Living & Rehabilitation Center.

Robotics and Rehabilitation Center – A new 15,000 square foot Robotics Center is currently under construction by the parking lot of the Loch Raven VA Outpatient Clinic. This new center will feature specialized equipment and facilities as part of a research program that is working to better serve the needs of stoke survivors.

Loch Raven VA Outpatient Clinic - The parking lot in front of the Loch Raven VA Outpatient Clinic has been temporarily closed due to the construction of the new Robotics Center. Free valet parking is being provided to all Veteran patients during the closure of the clinic’s parking lot. Veteran patients will continue to enter the parking lot in front of the Loch Raven VA Outpatient Clinic off of The Alameda, where they will follow posted signage to the free valet drop-off area at the entrance to the clinic. The valet parking attendants are parking all vehicles in a new parking lot that was constructed directly behind the Loch Raven VA Outpatient Clinic. We apologize for any inconvenience the closure of the clinic parking lot may cause, but we think you will find our valet parking service a wonderful benefit during your next visit.

Fort Howard VA Campus:

Fort Howard Veteran-Focused Community – The Department of Veterans Affairs has selected Fort Howard Development, LLC to develop a Veteran-focused community on the campus of the former Fort Howard VA Medical Center that will offer housing at various price points for Maryland’s aging Veteran population and single Veteran mothers. By partnering with a local developer through enhanced-use lease legislation, the VA will have a unique opportunity to offer assisted living programs and services to Maryland’s Veterans. The Veteran-focused community at Fort Howard will serve as a national model for addressing the needs of our nation’s Veterans by allowing them to age gracefully in-place while enjoying high-quality services and amenities. The construction of the Fort Howard Veteran-focused community is pending the signing of the lease between the VA and Fort Howard Development, LLC. For more information about the planned Veteran-focused community at Fort Howard, visit www.fthowarddevelopment.com.

Fort Howard VA Outpatient Clinic – A part of the planned Veteran-focused community for the Fort Howard campus, the developer for the project will be required to construct a replacement facility for the Fort Howard VA Outpatient Clinic. The new and expanded clinic will be specifically designed to meet the growing outpatient needs of Maryland’s Veteran population. Construction of the new Fort Howard VA Outpatient Clinic will not begin until after the signing of the lease between the VA and Fort Howard Development, LLC. The current outpatient clinic at Fort Howard will remain in operation throughout the construction of the replacement facility. The new outpatient clinic will be located at the entrance to the Fort Howard VA Campus.

Perry Point VA Medical Center:

Housing for At-Risk Veterans – The Department of Veterans Affairs has selected the New York-based nonprofit organization HELP USA to advance its innovative initiative that will transform unused property at the Perry Point VA Medical Center—known as the “Village,” into viable housing units for formerly homeless Veterans. Under the initiative, 60 of the existing vacant houses in the “Village” at Perry Point will be renovated and updated. After the renovation project, 44 of the homes will be occupied by formerly homeless Veterans or Veterans at risk for becoming homeless and their families. The remaining 16 houses will be utilized as dormitories for the AmeriCorps Program, which is a tenant organization on the Perry Point campus. Once construction begins, the project will take about a year to complete. Construction on the project is pending the signing of the lease between the VA and HELP USA.

Firehouse - Another construction project at the Perry Point VA Medical Center includes improvements and additions to the Firehouse, which is located directly across from the Police Station near the entrance of the campus. This construction projects includes the addition of two new garage bays for ambulance and rescue boat storage, and renovations to the compressor room and transportation section.

VA Outpatient Clinics:

Fort Meade VA Outpatient Clinic – A new 13,000 square foot VA outpatient clinic is currently under construction at Fort George J. Meade. The new Fort Meade VA Outpatient Clinic is being constructed adjacent to the Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center and will provide Veterans living in Anne Arundel County and portions of Howard and Prince Georges Counties, access to quality outpatient care in their own community, including audiology, mental health, primary, podiatry and preventive health care. The new state-of-the-art facility is expected to be completed by the summer of 2012.

Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic – To address the growing demand for outpatient services at the Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic, a new and larger building is going to be leased in Pocomoke City to replace the current clinic. Once the lease for the new building has been signed, the facility will be designed and built out to meet the specific needs of Veterans living on Maryland’s Lower Eastern Shore. The current Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic will remain in operation throughout the construction of the replacement facility. The new clinic is expected to open by late spring 2012.