Chairman Dave Camp


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Camp Announces Hearing on the Debt Limit
Jan 22, 2013 | 12:00 AM - Focus Of The Hearing: This hearing will examine the history of the debt limit, how past Congresses and Presidents have negotiated and raised the limit, and whether the Constitution provides options to the Executive Branch when the debt limit is reached. Hearing Advisory: Camp Announces Hearing on th... More

Chairmen Camp and Baucus Announce Joint Hearing on Tax Reform and the Tax Treatment of Capital Gains
Sep 20, 2012 | 10:00 AM - Focus Of The Hearing: The hearing will focus on the taxation of capital gains in the context of comprehensive tax reform. It will explore several tax reform policy issues relating to the treatment of capital gains, including background on capital gains taxation and its history, the impact of the cap... More

Camp Announces Hearing on Tax Reform and the U.S. Manufacturing Sector
Jul 19, 2012 | 9:30 AM - Focus Of The Hearing: This hearing will examine how the current tax system affects U.S. manufacturers, including U.S.-based public and closely held companies as well as foreign-owned U.S. manufacturers, and how comprehensive tax reform might affect their ability to expand and create jobs. Hearing Ad... More

Chairman Camp Announces Hearing on the Tax Ramifications of the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Democrats’ Health Care Law
Jul 10, 2012 | 10:30 AM - Focus of the Hearing: The hearing will focus on the implications of the Supreme Court’s ruling that the individual mandate is constitutional on the grounds that it is a tax and that Congress has the broad power to levy taxes far beyond the historic scope of raising revenue. Hearing Advisory: Chairma... More

*Hearing Postponed* Chairmen Camp and Baucus Announce Joint Hearing on Tax Reform and the Tax Treatment of Capital Gains
Jun 28, 2012 | 10:00 AM - *Hearing Postponed* Focus Of The Hearing: The hearing will focus on the taxation of capital gains in the context of comprehensive tax reform. It will explore several tax reform policy issues relating to the treatment of capital gains, including background on capital gains taxation and its history, t... More

Chairman Camp Announces Hearing on Russia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization and Granting Russia Permanent Normal Trade Relations
Jun 20, 2012 | 9:30 AM - Focus Of The Hearing: The focus of the hearing will be the significant opportunities presented upon Russia’s accession to the WTO and commercial areas requiring continued attention, such as enforcement of IPR and Russian SPS standards relating to U.S. agriculture exports. The hearing will also explo... More

Camp Announces Hearing on Tax Reform and Tax-Favored Retirement Accounts
Apr 17, 2012 | 10:00 AM - Focus of the Hearing: The hearing will consider the current menu of options for retirement savings – both with respect to employer-based defined contribution plans and with respect to IRAs. The hearing will explore whether, as part of comprehensive tax reform, various reform options could achieve th... More

Camp Announces Hearing on the Treatment of Closely-Held Businesses in the Context of Tax Reform
Mar 7, 2012 | 10:00 AM - Focus Of The Hearing: The hearing will examine how the tax code affects closely-held businesses in particular, and how tax reform might improve their ability to grow and create jobs. To this end, the hearing will consider how and under which sets of rules closely-held entities should be taxed, as we... More

Chairman Camp Announces Hearing on President Obama’s Trade Policy Agenda with U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Second Panel on the Future of U.S. Trade Negotiations
Feb 29, 2012 | 10:00 AM - Focus Of The Hearing: The first panel of the hearing will provide an opportunity to explore with Ambassador Kirk current trade issues such as: (1) ensuring prompt implementation of the three free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea; (2) seeking to conclude a good Trans-Pacific Pa... More

Chairman Camp Announces Hearing on the President’s Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Proposal with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
Feb 28, 2012 | 1:00 PM - Focus Of The Hearing: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius will discuss the details of the President’s HHS FY13 budget proposals that are within the Committee’s jurisdiction. Hearing Advisory: Chairman Camp Announces Hearing on the President’s Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Prop... More

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