USGS Evening Public Lecture Series

2003 Video Archive

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January 30, 2003

Jan thumbnail image button
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Exploring Mars
Recent Discoveries and Upcoming Missions

By Michael H. Carr, Planetary Geologist

Flyer: jan03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

February 27, 2003

Feb thumbnail image button
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Is Your Neighborhood Going Downhill?
How Landslides Threaten Bay Area Lives and Property

By Raymond C. Wilson, Landslide Geologist
Flyer: feb03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

March 27, 2003

Video not available.

The November 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake
Was This Alaska Shock a Preview of California's Next "Big One"?

By David Schwartz, Tim Dawson, Dave Keefer, and Robert Kayen, Geologists
Flyer: mar03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

April 24, 2003

Apr thumbnail image button
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Gaia's Breath
Methane and the Future of Natural Gas

By Keith A. Kvenvolden, Geochemist

Flyer: apr03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

May 22, 2003

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The National Map -- Coming to Your Neighborhood!
Integrating and Sharing Geographic Information in the Public Domain

By Ken Osborn, Cartographer

Flyer: may03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

June 26, 2003

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The Quakes, They Are A-comin'--
New Estimates of Earthquake Hazard and Risk Across the Bay Region

By Michael Blanpied, Geophysicist

Flyer: jun03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

July 31, 2003

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Molten Paradise
Video Presentation and Discussion

Featuring the award-winning USGS video Molten Paradise-Kilaea Volcano by Stephen Wessells, introduced and discussed by Robert I. Tilling, Volcanologist


Flyer: jul03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

August 28, 2003

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Human Footprints on the Web of Life
Biodiversity and Increasing Population and Development in California

by Robert N.Fisher, Research Zoologist

Flyer: aug03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

September 25, 2003

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Beneath Crater Lake
An underwater volcanic landscape tells a complex tale

by Charles R. Bacon, Geologist
Visualizations presented by David W. Ramsey, Geologist

Flyer: sep03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

October 30, 2003

Video not available, this lecture was not recorded

Creatures of the Night
A Witch's Brew of Bays and Beasts

by Gary M. Fellers, Research Biologist

Flyer: oct03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

November 20, 2003

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The Present and Future of Geothermal Energy

by John Sass, Geophysicist

Flyer: nov03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

December 11, 2003

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Their Dynamic Response to Changing Climate and Other Factors

by Bruce F. Molnia, Research Geologist

Flyer: dec03flyer.pdf (Acrobat PDF)

USGS Public Events Calendar (Recorded Message) --- (650) 329-5000
For additional information on the USGS Evening Public Lecture Series please contact Amelia Barrales: or telephone (650) 329-5136.

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