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January 04, 2012


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innovations take flight at FAA


I was very pleased to hear that the FAA had finally decided to do something about pilot fatigue. I've had personal testimony from a pilot about sleeping at the wheel because they've had to pull multiple back to back flights. Not to mention the fact that they knew they could sleep after take-off, so they disregarded the sleep requirements for the night before. I'm not saying that they couldn't stay awake and perform their duties, but the state of awareness and the ability to react to a an emergency from a dead sleep is not up to par. I think the next step now would be to install cameras in the cockpits. If the pilots new they couldn't sleep on the job, they'd be more apt to make sure they get the rest they need to ensure they stay alert.

I'm all for the improvement of our aviation system but can we really expect the big corporations to listen without further regulation? I pay a fortune in fees if I'm not careful.

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