Advocacy Awareness and Civic Empowerment (ADVANCE)

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Nigerian civil society organizations have a powerful voice and their advocacy efforts continue to be very successful. However, these organizations continue to face challenges due to weak capacity.  Most national advocacy civil society organizations (CSOs) have small membership bases and weak links to local associations, resulting in missed opportunities to support better-informed media coverage of critical policy issues and to promote balanced, objective coverage of controversial topics.

Given the history of Nigerian politics, the ability to mobilize is critical if civil society is to influence public discourse.  Continued support is needed by organizations that target corruption, electoral reform, women’s rights and political participation, and reforms to promote a greater balance of power at the national level. 

USAID assistance builds the capacity of civil society groups to increase and service their membership bases; expands the use of Information Communication Technology in national media campaigns; and deepens alliances with relevant professional, and other local associations, and provides media assistance to promote better informed discourse. 

ADVANCE Strategy

ADVANCE builds the capacity of CSOs to advocate for policy reform; strengthens CSO-government partnerships to fight corruption; and improves CSOs’ capacity for effective program and financial management.  Additionally, the project develops strategies for expanding CSO membership and their alliances with professional associations, media, and membership-based local associations. From 2007 to 2009, ADVANCE provided civil education to 7,184 people and supported over 90 women focused CSOs to engage in advocacy and promote democratic participation. In 2011, ADVANCE partnered with Chevron to increase the number of CSO’s receiving assistance to improve internal organizational capacity.  This partnership will foster development of agricultural markets, support conflict resolution initiatives, and assist community groups and local government agencies to improve partnership and dialogue.


  • Increased engagement in advocacy and watchdog functions
  • Increased CSO political participation, including traditionally marginalized groups (ethnic, religious, women, youth)
  • Improved CSO internal administrative capacity
  • Enhanced engagement in the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
  • Public Private Partnership with Chevron to build capacity of target civil society organizations in the Niger Delta 


  • Project Name: Advocacy, Awareness and Civic Empowerment (ADVANCE)
  • Life of Project: 2005 – 2011
  • Funding: $12,173,848
  • Implementing Partner: Pact
  • Geographic Focus: Delta, Lagos, Kano and Rivers