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2012 Speeches

Remarks by Ambassador William E. Todd at the Closing Ceremony of Pacific Partnership 2012

Sihanoukville Autonomous Port | August 11, 2012

(as prepared for delivery)

Your Excellency Sbong Sarath, Governor of Sihanoukville; Your Excellency VADM Tea Vinh; U.S. and Cambodian Armed Forces; US Naval Ship Mercy personnel; ladies and gentleman.

It is an honor to be here to recognize the extraordinary success of the second Pacific Partnership program in Cambodia.

Today, I am proud to say that new three maternity wards are complete and over 20,000 Cambodians have received free medical care and veterinary services.

The cooperation and hard work of all of the doctors, dentists, nurses, and engineers from the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, as well as with Cambodian veterinarians, was key to providing these services.

We have also donated 90 pallets of toys, school supplies, and other goods to orphanages and non-governmental organizations through 30 community outreach events. I would like to acknowledge the Latter Day Saints organization for their large amount of donated items as well as to the RCAF Transportation Battalion, which helped move the items to organizations in need of supplies.

This mission involved over 1,200 personnel from the Mercy and about 200 Cambodians.  The success of Pacific Partnership was made possible through the outstanding collaboration of all the participating nations:  Australia, Canada, South Korea, the Netherlands, and the Philippines. 

We are honored that Cambodia was one of the hosts for this year’s exercise. Pacific Partnership 2012 serves to strengthen not only the U.S. relationship with Cambodia, but also Cambodia’s regional relationships that are vital to an effective response in the event of a natural disaster.

I would like to thank the leadership of the Royal Government of Cambodia for its support, especially the assistance of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces; the Ministry of Health; and the Ministry of Agriculture, Farms, and Fisheries.  The guidance, insight, and logistical support you have provided have been critical in making the visit of the Mercy a success. 

And finally, I would like to thank all of the personnel of the Mercy for your hard work and dedication.  Through your selfless efforts, you will truly improve the lives of thousands of Cambodians.

Thank you, and God Bless each of you.