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Clinical Research Program-Bibliography

  1. Alley DE, Ferrucci L, Barbagallo M, Studenski SA, Harris TB. A research agenda: the changing relationship between body weight and health in aging. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(11):1257-1259.

  2. Anderson DE, Fedorova OV, Morrell CH, Longo DL, Kashkin VA, Metzler JD, Bagrov AY, Lakatta EG. Endogenous sodium pump inhibitors and age-associated increases in salt sensitivity of blood pressure in normotensives. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2008;294(4):R1248-R1254.

  3. Anderson DE, McNeely JD, Chesney MA, Windham BG. Breathing variability at rest is positively associated with 24-h blood pressure level. Am J Hypertens. 2008;21(12):1324-1329.

  4. Ankle Brachial Index Collaboration, Fowkes FG, Murray GD, Butcher I, Heald CL, Lee RJ, Chambless LE, Folsom AR, Hirsch AT, Dramaix M, deBacker G, Wautrecht JC, Kornitzer M, Newman AB, Cushman M, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Fowkes FG, Lee AJ, Price JF, d'Agostino RB, Murabito JM, Norman PE, Jamrozik K, Curb JD, Masaki KH, Rodr�guez BL, Dekker JM, Bouter LM, Heine RJ, Nijpels G, Stehouwer CD, Ferrucci L, McDermott MM, Stoffers HE, Hooi JD, Knottnerus JA, Ogren M, Hedblad B, Witteman JC, Breteler MM, Hunink MG, Hofman A, Criqui MH, Langer RD, Fronek A, Hiatt WR, Hamman R, Resnick HE, Guralnik J, McDermott MM. Ankle brachial index combined with Framingham risk score to predict cardiovascular events and mortality: a meta-analysis. JAMA. 2008;300(2):197-208.

  5. Bartali B, Frongillo EA, Guralnik JM, Stipanuk MH, Allore HG, Cherubini A, Bandinelli S, Ferrucci L, Gill TM. Serum micronutrient concentrations and decline in physical function among older persons. JAMA. 2008;299(3):308-315.

  6. Beck J, Ferrucci L, Sun K, Fried LP, Varadhan R, Walston J, Guralnik JM, Semba RD. Circulating oxidized low-density lipoproteins are associated with overweight, obesity, and low serum carotenoids in older community-dwelling women. Nutrition. 2008;24(10):964-968.

  7. Beydoun MA, Lhotsky A, Wang Y, Forno GD, An Y, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L, O'Brien R, Zonderman AB. Association of adiposity status and changes in early to mid-adulthood with incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Am J Epidemiol. 2008;168(10):1179-1189.

  8. Cao YJ, Mager DE, Simonsick EM, Hilmer SN, Ling SM, Windham BG, Crentsil V, Yasar S, Fried LP, Abernethy DR. Physical and cognitive performance and burden of anticholinergics, sedatives, and ACE inhibitors in older women. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2008;83(3):422-429.

  9. Cappola AR, Maggio M, Ferrucci L. Is research on hormones and aging finished? No! Just started! J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(7):696-698.

  10. Cecchi F, Mannoni A, Molino-Lova R, Ceppatelli S, Benvenuti E, Bandinelli S, Lauretani F, Macchi C, Ferrucci L. Epidemiology of hip and knee pain in a community based sample of Italian persons aged 65 and older. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2008;16(9):1039-1046.

  11. Ceresini G, Lauretani F, Maggio M, Ceda GP, Morganti S, Usberti E, Chezzi C, Valcavi R, Bandinelli S, Guralnik JM, Cappola AR, Valenti G, Ferrucci L. Thyroid function abnormalities and cognitive impairment in elderly people: results of the Invecchiare in Chianti Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 Nov. [Epub ahead of print].

  12. Chantler PD, Melenovsky V, Schulman SP, Gerstenblith G, Becker LC, Ferrucci L, Fleg JL, Lakatta EG, Najjar SS. The sex-specific impact of systolic hypertension and systolic blood pressure on arterial-ventricular coupling at rest and during exercise. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008;295(1):H145-H-153.

  13. Charles C, Yuskavage J, Carlson O, John M, Tagalicud AS, Maggio M, Muller DC, Egan J, Basaria S. Effects of high-dose isoflavones on metabolic and inflammatory markers in healthy postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2008 Oct. [Epub ahead of print].

  14. Craft LL, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, Liu K, Tian L, Criqui MH, Tan J, McDermott MM. Physical activity during daily life and circulating biomarker levels in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Am J Cardiol. 2008;102(9):1263-1268.

  15. Dayhoff-Brannigan M, Ferrucci L, Sun K, Fried LP, Walston J, Varadhan R, Guralnik JM, Semba RD. Oxidative protein damage is associated with elevated serum interleukin-6 levels among older moderately to severely disabled women living in the community. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(2):179-183.

  16. Deshpande N, Metter EJ, Bandinelli S, Lauretani F, Windham BG, Ferrucci L. Psychological, physical, and sensory correlates of fear of falling and consequent activity restriction in the elderly: The InCHIANTI Study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2008;87(5):354-362.

  17. Deshpande N, Metter EJ, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Guralnik J, Ferrucci L. Activity restriction induced by fear of falling and objective and subjective measures of physical function: a prospective cohort study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56(4):615-620.

  18. Deshpande N, Metter EJ, Ling S, Conwit R, Ferrucci L. Physiological correlates of age-related decline in vibrotactile sensitivity. Neurobiol Aging. 2008;29(5):765-773.

  19. Di Bari M, Pecchioli A, Mazzaglia G, Marini M, Maciocco G, Ferrucci L, Marchionni N. Care available to severely disabled older persons living at home in Florence, Italy. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2008;20(1):31-39.

  20. Ferrucci L. The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA): A 50-year-long journey and plans for the future. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(12):1416-1419.

  21. Ferrucci L. Throwing pots and commitments for 2008. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(2):157-159.

  22. Ferrucci L, Balducci L. Anemia of aging: the role of chronic inflammation and cancer. Semin Hematol. 2008;45(4):242-249.

  23. Ferrucci L, Giallauria F, Guralnik JM. Epidemiology of aging. Radiol Clin North Am. 2008;46(4):643-652.

  24. Ferrucci L, Giallauria F, Schlessinger D. Mapping the road to resilience: Novel math for the study of frailty. Mech Ageing Dev. 2008;129(11):677-679.

  25. Freathy RM, Timpson NJ, Lawlor DA, Pouta A, Ben-Shlomo Y, Ruokonen A, Ebrahim S, Shields B, Zeggini E, Weedon MN, Lindgren CM, Lango H, Melzer D, Ferrucci L, Paolisso G, Neville MJ, Karpe F, Palmer CN, Morris AD, Elliott P, Jarvelin MR, Smith GD, McCarthy MI, Hattersley AT, Frayling TM. Common variation in the FTO gene alters diabetes-related metabolic traits to the extent expected, given its effect on BMI. Diabetes. 2008;57(5):1419-1426.

  26. Garg PK, Liu K, Tian L, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, Criqui MH, Tan J, McDermott MM. Physical activity during daily life and functional decline in peripheral arterial disease. Circulation. 2008 Dec. [Epub ahead of print].

  27. Giles JT, Ling SM, Ferrucci L, Bartlett SJ, Andersen RE, Towns M, Muller D, Fontaine KR, Bathon JM. Abnormal body composition phenotypes in older rheumatoid arthritis patients: Association with disease characteristics and pharmacotherapies. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;59(6):807-815.

  28. Goldman SE, Hall M, Boudreau R, Matthews KA, Cauley JA, Ancoli-Lsrael S, Stone KL, Rubin SM, Satterfield S, Simonsick EM, Newman AB. Association between nighttime sleep and napping in older adults. Sleep. 2008;31(5):733-740.

  29. Hicks GE, Shardell M, Miller RR, Bandinelli S, Guralnik J, Cherubini A, Lauretani F, Ferrucci L. Associations between vitamin D status and pain in older adults: The Invecchiare InChianti Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56(5):785-791.

  30. Inzitari M, Pozzi C, Ferrucci L, Chiarantini D, Rinaldi LA, Baccini M, Pini R, Masotti G, Marchionni N, Di Bari M. Subtle neurological abnormalities as risk factors for cognitive and functional decline, cerebrovascular events, and mortality in older community-dwelling adults. Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(12):1270-1276.

  31. Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Griswold ME, Maggio M, Semba R, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Longitudinal changes in BMD and bone geometry in a population-based study. J Bone Miner Res. 2008;23(3):400-408.

  32. Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Strotmeyer ES, Corsi AM, Di Iorio A, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Erythropoietin and polyneuropathy in older persons. Mech Ageing Dev. 2008;129(6):299-303.

  33. Lauretani F, Semba RD, Bandinelli S, Dayhoff-Brannigan M, Giacomini V, Corsi AM, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Low plasma carotenoids and skeletal muscle strength decline over 6 years. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(4):376-383.

  34. Lauretani F, Semba RD, Bandinelli S, Dayhoff-Brannigan M, Lauretani F, Corsi AM, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Carotenoids as protection against disability in older persons. Rejuvenation Res. 2008;11(3):557-563.

  35. Lauretani F, Semba RD, Bandinelli S, Miller ER 3rd, Ruggiero C, Cherubini A, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids and the decline of renal function. Clin Chem. 2008 Jan.; [Epub ahead of print].

  36. Lauretani F, Semba RD, Dayhoff-Brannigan M, Corsi AM, Di Iorio A, Buiatti E, Bandinelli S, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Low total plasma carotenoids are independent predictors of mortality among older persons : The InCHIANTI study. Eur J Nutr. 2008 August. [Epub ahead of print].

  37. Ling SM. Does acupuncture improve symptoms in patients with osteoarthritis who are awaiting knee replacement surgery? Nat Clin Pract Rheumatol. 2008;4(6):286-287.

  38. Ling SM, Patel DD, Garnero P, Zhan M, Vaduganathan M, Muller D, Taub D, Bathon JM, Hochberg M, Abernethy DR, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L. Serum protein signatures detect early radiographic osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2008;17(1):43-48.

  39. Liu D, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L, Roth SM. TNF promoter polymorphisms associated with muscle phenotypes in humans. J Appl Physiol. 2008;105(3):859-867.

  40. Loeb S, Kettermann A, Carter HB, Ferrucci L, Metter EJ, Walsh PC. Does prostate growth confound prostate specific antigen velocity? Data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Urol. 2008;180(4):1314-1317.

  41. Loeb S, Kettermann A, Ferrucci L, Landis P, Metter EJ, Carter HB. PSA doubling time versus PSA velocity to predict high-risk prostate cancer: data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Eur Urol. 2008;54(5):1073-1080.

  42. Macchi C, Molino-Lova R, Polcaro P, Guarducci L, Lauretani F, Cecchi F, Bandinelli S, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Higher circulating levels of uric acid are prospectively associated with better muscle function in older persons. Mech Ageing Dev. 2008;129(9):522-527.

  43. Maggio M, Ceda GP, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Metter EJ, Artoni A, Gatti E, Ruggiero C, Guralnik JM, Valenti G, Ling SM, Basaria S, Ferrucci L. Estradiol and inflammatory markers in older men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Dec. [Epub ahead of print].

  44. Maggio M, Lauretani F, Basaria S, Ceda GP, Bandinelli S, Metter EJ, Bos AJ, Ruggiero C, Ceresini G, Paolisso G, Artoni A, Valenti G, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Sex hormone binding globulin levels across the adult lifespan in women--the role of body mass index and fasting insulin. J Endocrinol Invest. 2008;31(7):597-601.

  45. Maggio M, Lauretani F, Ceda G, Bandinelli S, Basaria S, Paolisso G, Giumelli C, Luci M, Najjar SS, Metter EJ, Valenti G, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Estradiol and metabolic syndrome in older Italian men: The InCHIANTI Study. J Androl. 2008 Dec. [Epub ahead of print].

  46. Makipour S, Kanapuru B, Ershler WB. Unexplained anemia in the elderly. Semin Hematol. 2008;45(4):250-254.

  47. Mast BT, Miles T, Penninx BW, Yaffe K, Rosano C, Satterfield S, Ayonayon HN, Harris T, Simonsick EM. Vascular disease and future risk of depressive symptomatology in older adults: Findings from Health, Aging and Body Composition. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Mar.; [Epub ahead of print].

  48. McDermott MN, Guralnik JN, Ferrucci L. Asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease is associated with more adverse lower extremity characteristics than intermittent claudication. J Vasc Surg. 2008;48(4):1063.

  49. McDermott MM, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, Tian L, Liu K, Liao Y, Green D, Sufit R, Hoff F, Nishida T, Sharma L, Pearce WH, Schneider JR, Criqui MH. Asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease is associated with more adverse lower extremity characteristics than intermittent claudication. Circulation. 2008;117(19):2484-2491.

  50. McDermott MM, Liu K, Ferrucci L, Tian L, Guralnik JM, Green D, Tan J, Liao Y, Pearce WH, Schneider JR, McCue K, Ridker P, Rifai N, Criqui MH. Circulating blood markers and functional impairment in peripheral arterial disease. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56(8):1504-1510.

  51. McDermott MM, Tian L, Ferrucci L, Liu K, Guralnik JM, Liao Y, Pearce WH, Criqui MH. Associations between lower extremity ischemia, upper and lower extremity strength, and functional impairment with peripheral arterial disease. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56(4):724-729.

  52. McDermott MM, Tian L, Liu K, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, Tan J, Pearce WH, Schneider JR, Criqui MH. Prognostic value of functional performance for mortality in patients with peripheral artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008;51(15):1482-1489.

  53. McNeely JD, Windham BG, Anderson DE. Dietary sodium effects on heart rate variability in salt sensitivity of blood pressure. Psychophysiology. 2008;45(3):405-411.

  54. Melzer D, Perry JR, Hernandez D, Corsi AM, Stevens K, Rafferty I, Lauretani F, Murray A, Gibbs JR, Paolisso G, Rafiq S, Simon-Sanchez J, Lango H, Scholz S, Weedon MN, Arepalli S, Rice N, Washecka N, Hurst A, Britton A, Henley W, van de Leemput J, Li R, Newman AB, Tranah G, Harris T, Panicker V, Dayan C, Bennett A, McCarthy MI, Ruokonen A, Jarvelin MR, Guralnik J, Bandinelli S, Frayling TM, Singleton A, Ferrucci L. A genome-wide association study identifies protein quantitative trait loci (pQTLs). PLoS Genet. 2008;4(5):e1000072.

  55. Metter EJ, Windham BG, Maggio M, Simonsick EM, Ling SM, Egan JM, Ferrucci L. Glucose and insulin measurements from the glucose tolerance test and mortality prediction. Diabetes Care. 2008;31(5):1026-1030.

  56. Milaneschi Y, Corsi AM, Penninx BW, Bandinelli S, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and incident depressive symptoms over 6 years in older persons: The InCHIANTI Study. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Dec. [Epub ahead of print].

  57. Morley JE, Ferrucci L. Publication productivity in geriatrics: 1995-2006. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(6):584-585.

  58. Najjar SS, Scuteri A, Shetty V, Wright JG, Muller DC, Fleg JL, Spurgeon HP, Ferrucci L, Lakatta EG. Pulse wave velocity is an independent predictor of the longitudinal increase in systolic blood pressure and of incident hypertension in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008;51(14):1377-1383.

  59. Padilha DM, Hilgert JB, Hugo FN, Bos AJ, Ferrucci L. Number of teeth and mortality risk in the Baltimore longitudinal study of aging. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(7):739-744.

  60. Panicker V, Cluett C, Shields B, Murray A, Parnell KS, Perry JR, Weedon MN, Singleton A, Hernandez D, Evans J, Durant C, Ferrucci L, Melzer D, Saravanan P, Visser TJ, Ceresini G, Hattersley AT, Vaidya B, Dayan CM, Frayling TM. A common variation in Deiodinase 1 gene DIO1 is associated with the relative levels of free thyroxine and triidothyronine. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008;93(8):3075-3081.

  61. Pilotto A, Ferrucci L, Franceschi M, D'Ambrosio LP, Scarcelli C, Cascavilla L, Paris F, Placentino G, Seripa D, Dallapiccola B, Leandro G. Development and validation of a multidimensional prognostic index for one-year mortality from comprehensive geriatric assessment in hospitalized older patients. Rejuvenation Res. 2008;11(1):151-161.

  62. Pizzarelli F, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Windham GB, Corsi AM, Giannelli SV, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM. Predictivity of survival according to different equations for estimating renal function in community-dwelling elderly subjects. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2008 Nov. [Epub ahead of print].

  63. Qu T, Walston JD, Yang H, Fedarko NS, Xue QL, Beamer BA, Ferrucci L, Rose NR, Leng SX. Upregulated ex vivo expression of stress-responsive inflammatory pathway genes by LPS-challenged CD14(+) monocytes in frail older adults. Mech Ageing Dev. 2008 Nov. [Epub ahead of print].

  64. Rice SC, Zonderman AB, Metter EJ, Najjar SS, Waldstein SR. Absence of relation between depressive symptoms and carotid intimal medial thickness in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Psychosom Med. 2008 Oct. [Epub ahead of print].

  65. Roddam AW, Allen NE, Appleby P, Key TJ, Ferrucci L, Carter HB, Metter EJ, Chen C, Weiss NS, Fitzpatrick A, Hsing AW, Lacey JV Jr, Helzlsouer K, Rinaldi S, Riboli E, Kaaks R, Janssen JA, Wildhagen MF, Schr�der FH, Platz EA, Pollak M, Giovannucci E, Schaefer C, Quesenberry CP Jr, Vogelman JH, Severi G, English DR, Giles GG, Stattin P, Hallmans G, Johansson M, Chan JM, Gann P, Oliver SE, Holly JM, Donovan J, Meyer F, Bairati I, Galan P. Insulin-like growth factors, their binding proteins, and prostate cancer risk: analysis of individual patient data from 12 prospective studies. Ann Intern Med. 2008;149(7):461-471, W83-W88.

  66. Roth SM, Walsh S, Liu D, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L, Hurley BF. The ACTN3 R577X nonsense allele is under-represented in elite-level strength athletes. Eur J Hum Genet. 2008;16(3):391-394.

  67. Ruggiero C, Metter EJ, Melenovsky V, Cherubini A, Najjar SS, Ble A, Senin U, Longo DL, Ferrucci L. High basal metabolic rate is a risk factor for mortality: the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(7):698-706.

  68. Schrager MA, Kelly VE, Price R, Ferrucci L, Shumway-Cook A. The effects of age on medio-lateral stability during normal and narrow base walking. Gait Posture. 2008;28(3):466-471.

  69. Scola L, Lio D, Candore G, Forte GI, Crivello A, Colonna-Romano G, Pes MG, Carru C, Ferrucci L, Deiana L, Baggio G, Franceschi C, Caruso C. Analysis of HLA-DRB1,DQA1,DQB1 haplotypes in Sardinian centenarians. Exp Gerontol. 2008;43(2):114-118.

  70. Semba RD, Fink JC, Sun K, Bandinelli S, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Carboxymethyl-lysine, an advanced glycation end product, and decline of renal function in older community-dwelling adults. Eur J Nutr. 2008 Nov. [Epub ahead of print].

  71. Semba RD, Patel KV, Sun K, Guralnik JM, Ershler WB, Longo DL, Ferrucci L. Association between serum carboxymethyl-lysine, a dominant advanced glycation end product, and anemia in adults: the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56(11):2145-2147.

  72. Sojkova J, Beason-Held L, Zhou Y, An Y, Kraut MA, Ye W, Ferrucci L, Mathis CA, Klunk WE, Wong DF, Resnick SM. Longitudinal cerebral blood flow and amyloid deposition: An emerging pattern? J Nucl Med. 2008;49(9):1465-1471.

  73. Stenholm S, Harris TB, Rantanen T, Visser M, Kritchevsky SB, Ferrucci L. Sarcopenic obesity: definition, cause and consequences. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2008;11(6):693-700.

  74. Taub DD, Ershler WB, Janowski M, Artz A, Key ML, McKelvey J, Muller D, Moss B, Ferrucci L, Duffey PL, Longo DL. Immunity from smallpox vaccine persists for decades: a longitudinal study. Am J Med. 2008;121(12):1058-1064.

  75. Terracciano A, Lockenhoff CE, Zonderman AB, Ferrucci L, Costa PT Jr. Personality predictors of longevity: activity, emotional stability, and conscientiousness. Psychosom Med. 2008;70(6):621-627.

  76. Vidula H, Tian L, Liu K, Criqui MH, Ferrucci L, Pearce WH, Greenland P, Green D, Tan J, Garside DB, Guralnik J, Ridker PM, Rifai N, McDermott MM. Biomarkers of inflammation and thrombosis as predictors of near-term mortality in patients with peripheral arterial disease: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2008;148(2):85-93.

  77. Volpato S, Ble A, Metter EJ, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Zuliani G, Fellin R, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and objective measures of lower extremity performance in older nondisabled persons: The InChianti Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56(4):621-629.

  78. Waldstein SR, Rice SC, Thayer JF, Najjar SS, Scuteri A, Zonderman AB. Pulse pressure and pulse wave velocity are related to cognitive decline in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Hypertension. 2008;51(1):99-104.

  79. Walsh S, Liu D, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L, Roth SM. ACTN3 genotype is associated with muscle phenotypes in women across the adult age span. J Appl Physiol. 2008;105(5):1486-1491.

  80. Willcox BJ, Willcox DC, Ferrucci L. Secrets of healthy aging and longevity from exceptional survivors around the globe: lessons from octogenarians to supercentenarians. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(11):1181-1185.

  81. Yaffe K, Lindquist K, Shlipak MG, Simonsick E, Fried L, Rosano C, Satterfield S, Atkinson H, Windham BG, Kurella-Tamura M; Health ABC Study. Cystatin C as a marker of cognitive function in elders: Findings from the Health ABC Study. Ann Neurol. 2008;63(6):798-802.

  82. Yuan X, Waterworth D, Perry JR, Lim N, Song K, Chambers JC, Zhang W, Vollenweider P, Stirnadel H, Johnson T, Bergmann S, Beckmann ND, Li Y, Ferrucci L, Melzer D, Hernandez D, Singleton A, Scott J, Elliott P, Waeber G, Cardon L, Frayling TM, Kooner JS, Mooser V. Population-based genome-wide association studies reveal six loci influencing plasma levels of liver enzymes. Am J Hum Genet. 2008;83(4):520-528.


  1. Antonelli-Incalzi R, Pedone C, Cesari M, Di Iorio A, Bandinelli S, Ferrucci L. Relationship between the occiput-wall distance and physical performance in the elderly: a cross sectional study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2007;19(3):207-212.

  2. Basaria S, Muller DC, Carducci MA, Egan J, Dobs AS. Relation between duration of androgen deprivation therapy and degree of insulin resistance in men with prostate cancer. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(6):612-613.

  3. Beck J, Ferrucci L, Sun K, Walston J, Fried LP, Varadhan R, Guralnik JM, Semba RD. Low serum selenium concentrations are associated with poor grip strength among older women living in the community. Biofactors. 2007;29(1):37-44.

  4. Bergman H, Ferrucci L, Guralnik J, Hogan DB, Hummel S, Karunananthan S, Wolfson C. Frailty: an emerging research and clinical paradigm issues and controversies. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(7):731-737.

  5. Carter HB, Ferrucci L, Kettermann A, Landis P, Wright J, Epstein JI, Trock BJ, Metter EJ. Response: Re: Detection of life-threatening prostate cancer With prostate-specific antigen velocity during a window of curability. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007;99(6):490.

  6. Cepollaro C, Lauretani F, Gozzini A, Masi L, Falchetti A, Del Monte F, Carbonell-Sala S, Tanini A, Corsi AM, Bandinelli S, Ferrucci L, Brandi ML. Relationship of volumetric bone mineral density and structural parameters with ERalpha gene polymorphisms. Calcif Tissue Int. 2007;80(5):307-315.

  7. Deshpande N, Metter EJ, Ling S, Conwit R, Ferrucci L. Physiological correlates of age-related decline in vibrotactile sensitivity. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 Jan.; [Epub ahead of print].

  8. Ferrucci L. A year of excellence in geriatric research and some new dishes on the menu. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(5):516-518.

  9. Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Bandinelli S, Semba RD, Lauretani F, Corsi A, Ruggiero C, Ershler WB, Longo DL. Unexplained anaemia in older persons is characterised by low erythropoietin and low levels of pro-inflammatory markers. Br J Haematol. 2007;136(6):849-855.

  10. Forth KE, Metter EJ, Paloski WH. Age associated differences in postural equilibrium control: A comparison between EQscore and minimum time to contact (TTC(min)). Gait Posture. 2007;25(1):56-62.

  11. Frayling TM, Rafiq S, Murray A, Hurst AJ, Weedon MN, Henley W, Bandinelli S, Corsi AM, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Wallace RB, Melzer D. An interleukin-18 polymorphism is associated with reduced serum concentrations and better physical functioning in older people. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(1):73-78.

  12. Frayling TM, Timpson NJ, Weedon MN, Zeggini E, Freathy RM, Lindgren CM, Perry JR, Elliott KS, Lango H, Rayner NW, Shields B, Harries LW, Barrett JC, Ellard S, Groves CJ, Knight B, Patch AM, Ness AR, Ebrahim S, Lawlor DA, Ring SM, Ben-Shlomo Y, Jarvelin MR, Sovio U, Bennett AJ, Melzer D, Ferrucci L, Loos RJ, Barroso I, Wareham NJ, Karpe F, Owen KR, Cardon LR, Walker M, Hitman GA, Palmer CN, Doney AS, Morris AD, Smith GD, Hattersley AT, McCarthy MI. A common variant in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index and predisposes to childhood and adult obesity. Science. 2007;316(5826):889-894.

  13. Giannelli SV, Patel KV, Windham BG, Pizzarelli F, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM. Magnitude of underascertainment of impaired kidney function in older adults with normal serum creatinine. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007;55(6):816-823.

  14. Hilmer SN, Mager DE, Simonsick EM, Cao Y, Ling SM, Windham BG, Harris TB, Hanlon JT, Rubin SM, Shorr RI, Bauer DC, Abernethy DR. A drug burden index to define the functional burden of medications in older people. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(8):781-787.

  15. Houston DK, Cesari M, Ferrucci L, Cherubini A, Maggio D, Bartali B, Johnson MA, Schwartz GG, Kritchevsky SB. Association between vitamin D status and physical performance: The InCHIANTI Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(4):440-446.

  16. Howard C, Ferrucci L, Sun K, Fried LP, Walston J, Varadhan R, Guralnik JM, Semba RD. Oxidative protein damage is associated with poor grip strength among older women living in the community. J Appl Physiol. 2007;103(1):17-20.

  17. Lash TL, Mor V, Wieland D, Ferrucci L, Satariano W, Silliman RA. Methodology, design, and analytic techniques to address measurement of comorbid disease. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(3):281-285.

  18. Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Benedetta B, Cherubini A, Iorio AD, Ble A, Giacomini V, Corsi AM, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids predict accelerated decline of peripheral nerve function in older persons. Eur J Neurol. 2007;14(7):801-808.

  19. Lauretani F, Semba RD, Bandinelli S, Ray AL, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Association of low plasma selenium concentrations with poor muscle strength in older community-dwelling adults: the InCHIANTI Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;86(2):347-352.

  20. Ling SM, Conwit RA, Talbot L, Shermack M, Wood JE, Dredge EM, Weeks MJ, Abernethy DR, Metter EJ. Electromyographic patterns suggest changes in motor unit physiology associated with early osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2007 May; [Epub ahead of print].

  21. Ling SM, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L. A painful interface between normal aging and disease. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(6):613-615.

  22. Liu D, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L, Roth SM. TNFalpha -308G/AAnd 1110 -1082A/G Polymorphisms are associated with muscle Mmass in humans. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39(5 Suppl):S468.

  23. Maggio M, Lauretani F, Ceda GP, Bandinelli S, Basaria S, Paolisso G, Ble A, Egan JM, Metter EJ, Abbatecola AM, Zuliani G, Ruggiero C, Valenti G, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Association of hormonal dysregulation with metabolic syndrome in older women (Data from the InCHIANTI Study). Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007;292(1):E353-E358.

  24. McDermott MM, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Tian L, Green D, Liu K, Tan J, Liao Y, Pearce WH, Schneider JR, Ridker P, Rifai N, Hoff F, Criqui MH. Elevated levels of inflammation, d-dimer, and homocysteine are associated with adverse calf muscle characteristics and reduced calf strength in peripheral arterial disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007;50(9):897-905.

  25. McDermott MM, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, Tian L, Pearce WH, Hoff F, Liu K, Liao Y, Criqui MH. Physical activity, walking exercise, and calf skeletal muscle characteristics in patients with peripheral arterial disease. J Vasc Surg. 2007;46(1):87-93.

  26. McDermott MM, Guralnik JM, Tian L, Ferrucci L, Liu K, Liao Y, Criqui MH. Baseline functional performance predicts the rate of mobility loss in persons with peripheral arterial disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007;50(10):974-82.

  27. McDermott MM, Hoff F, Ferrucci L, Pearce WH, Guralnik JM, Tian L, Liu K, Schneider JR, Sharma L, Tan J, Criqui MH. Lower extremity ischemia, calf skeletal muscle characteristics, and functional impairment in peripheral arterial disease. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007;55(3):400-406.

  28. Melenovsky V, Borlaug BA, Rosen B, Hay I, Ferruci L, Morell CH, Lakatta EG, Najjar SS, Kass DA. Cardiovascular features of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction versus nonfailing hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy in the urban Baltimore community: the role of atrial remodeling/dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007;49(2):198-207.

  29. Melzer D, Frayling TM, Murray A, Hurst AJ, Harries LW, Song H, Khaw K, Luben R, Surtees PG, Bandinelli SS, Corsi AM, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Wallace RB, Hattersley AT, Pharoah PD. A common variant of the p16(INK4a) genetic region is associated with physical function in older people. Mech Ageing Dev. 2007;128(5-6):370-377.

  30. Motta M, Malaguarnera M, Ferrari E, Mauro VN, Ferrucci L, Rapisarda R, Tomasello FB, Basile G, Ferlito L, Passamonte M, Bennati E. Genealogy of centenarians and their relatives: A study of 12 families. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2007;45(1):97-102.

  31. Penninx BW, Beekman AT, Bandinelli S, Corsi AM, Bremmer M, Hoogendijk WJ, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Late-life depressive symptoms are associated with both hyperactivity and hypoactivity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2007;15(6):522-529.

  32. Pilotto A, Ferrucci L, Scarcelli C, Niro V, Di Mario F, Seripa D, Andriulli A, Leandro G, Franceschi M. Usefulness of the comprehensive geriatric assessment in older patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding: A two-year follow-up study. Dig Dis. 2007;25(2):124-128.

  33. Rafiq S, Frayling TM, Murray A, Hurst A, Stevens K, Weedon MN, Henley W, Ferrucci L, Bandinelli S, Corsi AM, Guralnik JM, Melzer D. A common variant of the interleukin 6 receptor (IL-6r) gene increases IL-6r and IL-6 levels, without other inflammatory effects. Genes Immun. 2007 August; [Epub ahead of print].

  34. Rafiq S, Stevens K, Hurst AJ, Murray A, Henley W, Weedon MN, Bandinelli S, Corsi AM, Guralnik JM, Ferruci L, Melzer D, Frayling TM. Common genetic variation in the gene encoding interleukin-1-receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) is associated with altered circulating IL-1RA levels. Genes Immun. 2007;8(4):344-351.

  35. Rodriguez A, Muller DC, Metter EJ, Maggio M, Harman SM, Blackman MR, Andres R. Aging, Androgens, and the metabolic syndrome in a longitudinal study of aging. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92(9):3568-3572.

  36. Ruggiero C, Cherubini A, Guralnik J, Semba RD, Maggio M, Ling SM, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Senin U, Ferrucci L. The interplay between uric acid and antioxidants in relation to physical function in older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007;55(8):1206-1215.

  37. Ruggiero C, Cherubini A, Miller E 3rd, Maggio M, Najjar SS, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Senin U, Ferrucci L. Usefulness of uric acid to predict changes in C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in 3-year period in Italians aged 21 to 98 years. Am J Cardiol. 2007;100(1):115-121.

  38. Ruggiero C, Metter EJ, Cherubini A, Maggio M, Sen R, Najjar SS, Windham GB, Ble A, Senin U, Ferrucci L. White blood cell count and mortality in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007;49(18):1841-1850.

  39. Ruo B, Liu K, Tian L, Tan J, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, McDermott MM. Persistent depressive symptoms and functional decline among patients with peripheral arterial disease. Psychosom Med. 2007 Jun;69(5):415-424.

  40. Saleh AS, Najjar SS, Muller DC, Shetty V, Ferrucci L, Gelber AC, Ling SM. Arterial stiffness and hand osteoarthritis: a novel relationship? Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2007;15(3):357-361.

  41. Schrager MA, Metter EJ, Simonsick E, Ble A, Bandinelli S, Lauretani F, Ferrucci L. Sarcopenic obesity and inflammation in the InCHIANTI study. J Appl Physiol. 2007;102(3):919-925.

  42. Scola L, Lio D, Candore G, Forte GI, Crivello A, Colonna-Romano G, Pes MG, Carru C, Ferrucci L, Deiana L, Baggio G, Franceschi C, Caruso C. Analysis of HLA-DRB1,DQA1,DQB1 haplotypes in Sardinian centenarians. Exp Gerontol. 2007 July; [Epub ahead of print].

  43. Semba RD, Lauretani F, Ferrucci L. Carotenoids as protection against sarcopenia in older adults. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2007;458(2):141-145.

  44. Semba RD, Varadhan R, Bartali B, Ferrucci L, Ricks MO, Blaum C, Fried LP. Low serum carotenoids and development of severe walking disability among older women living in the community: the Women's Health and Aging Study I. Age Ageing. 2007;36(1):62-67.

  45. Shumway-Cook A, Guralnik JM, Phillips CL, Coppin AK, Ciol MA, Bandinelli S, Ferrucci L. Age-associated declines in complex walking task performance: the Walking InCHIANTI toolkit. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007;55(1):58-65.

  46. Siluk D, Oliveira RV, Esther-Rodriguez-Rosas M, Ling S, Bos A, Ferrucci L, Wainer IW. A validated liquid chromatography method for the simultaneous determination of vitamins A and E in human plasma. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2007;44(4):1001-1007.

  47. Stote KS, Baer DJ, Spears K, Paul DR, Harris GK, Rumpler WV, Strycula P, Najjar SS, Ferrucci L, Ingram DK, Longo DL, Mattson MP. A controlled trial of reduced meal frequency without caloric restriction in healthy, normal-weight, middle-aged adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;85(4):981-988.

  48. Talbot LA, Morrell CH, Fleg JL, Metter EJ. Changes in leisure time physical activity and risk of all-cause mortality in men and women: The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Prev Med. 2007;45(2-3):169-176.

  49. Uribarri J, Cai W, Peppa M, Goodman S, Ferrucci L, Striker G, Vlassara H. Circulating glycotoxins and dietary advanced glycation endproducts: two links to inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and aging. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(4):427-433.

  50. Vogelzangs N, Suthers K, Ferrucci L, Simonsick EM, Ble A, Schrager M, Bandinelli S, Lauretani F, Giannelli SV, Penninx BW. Hypercortisolemic depression is associated with the metabolic syndrome in late-life. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2007;32(2):151-159.

  51. Walsh S, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L, Roth SM. Activin RIIB and follistatin haplotype associations with muscle mass and strength in humans. J Appl Physiol. 2007;102(6):2142-2148.

  52. Yancik R, Ershler W, Satariano W, Hazzard W, Cohen HJ, Ferrucci L. Report of the National Institute on Aging task force on comorbidity. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(3):275-280.

  53. Zhou J, Livak MF, Bernier M, Muller DC, Carlson OD, Elahi D, Maudsley S, Egan JM. Ubiquitination is involved in glucose-mediated down-regulation of GIP receptors in islets. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007;293(2):E538-E547.

  54. Zuliani G, Volpato S, Ble A, Bandinelli S, Corsi AM, Lauretani F, Paolisso G, Fellin R, Ferrucci L. High interleukin-6 plasma levels are associated with low HDL-C levels in community-dwelling older adults: The InChianti study. Atherosclerosis. 2007;192(2):384-390.


  1. Anderson CA, Miller ER 3rd. Dietary recommendations for obese patients with chronic kidney disease. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2006;13(4):394-402.

  2. Anderson DE, Metter EJ, Hougaku H, Najjar SS. Suppressed anger is associated with increased carotid arterial stiffness in older adults. Am J Hypertens. 2006;19(11):1129-1134.

  3. Antonelli-Incalzi R, Pedone C, McDermott MM, Bandinelli S, Miniati B, Lova RM, Lauretani F, Ferrucci L. Association between nutrient intake and peripheral artery disease: results from the InCHIANTI study. Atherosclerosis. 2006;186(1):200-206.

  4. Bandeen-Roche K, Xue QL, Ferrucci L, Walston J, Guralnik JM, Chaves P, Zeger SL, Fried LP. Phenotype of frailty: characterization in the Women's Health and Aging Studies. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(3):262-266.

  5. Bandinelli S, Pozzi M, Lauretani F, Phillips C, Shumway-Cook A, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Adding challenge to performance-based tests of walking. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006;85(12):986-991.

  6. Bartali B, Frongillo EA, Bandinelli S, Lauretani F, Semba RD, Fried LP, Ferrucci L. Low nutrient intake is an essential component of frailty in older persons. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(6):589-593.

  7. Bartali B, Semba RD, Frongillo EA, Varadhan R, Ricks MO, Blaum CS, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Fried LP. Low micronutrient levels as a predictor of incident disability in older women. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(21):2335-2340.

  8. Basaria S, Muller DC, Carducci MA, Egan J, Dobs AS. Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance in men with prostate carcinoma who receive androgen-deprivation therapy. Cancer. 2006;106(3):581-588.

  9. Ble A, Cherubini A, Volpato S, Bartali B, Walston JD, Windham BG, Bandinelli S, Lauretani F, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Lower plasma vitamin E levels are associated with the Frailty Syndrome: the InCHIANTI study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(3):278-283.

  10. Bleys J, Miller ER 3rd, Pastor-Barriuso R, Appel LJ, Guallar E. Vitamin-mineral supplementation and the progression of atherosclerosis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006;84(4):880-887.

  11. Braga-Basaria M, Dobs AS, Muller DC, Carducci MA, John M, Egan J, Basaria S. Metabolic syndrome in men with prostate cancer undergoing long-term androgen-deprivation therapy. J Clin Oncol. 2006;24(24):3979-3983.

  12. Braga-Basaria M, Muller DC, Carducci MA, Dobs AS, Basaria S. Lipoprotein profile in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. Int J Impot Res. 2006;18(5):494-498.

  13. Cappola AR, Xue QL, Walston JD, Leng SX, Ferrucci L, Guralnik J, Fried LP. DHEAS levels and mortality in disabled older women: the Women's Health and Aging Study I. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(9):957-962.

  14. Carter HB, Ferrucci L, Kettermann A, Landis P, Wright EJ, Epstein JI, Trock BJ, Metter EJ. Detection of life-threatening prostate cancer with prostate-specific antigen velocity during a window of curability. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006;98(21):1521-1527.

  15. Cecchi F, Debolini P, Lova RM, Macchi C, Bandinelli S, Bartali B, Lauretani F, Benvenuti E, Hicks G, Ferrucci L. Epidemiology of back pain in a representative cohort of Italian persons 65 years of age and older: the InCHIANTI Study. Spine. 2006;31(10):1149-1155.

  16. Cesari M, Leeuwenburgh C, Lauretani F, Onder G, Bandinelli S, Maraldi C, Guralnik JM, Pahor M, Ferrucci L. Frailty syndrome and skeletal muscle: results from the Invecchiare InCHIANTI Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006;83(5):1142-1148.

  17. Cesari M, Onder G, Russo A, Zamboni V, Barillaro C, Ferrucci L, Pahor M, Bernabei R, Landi F. Comorbidity and physical function: results from the Aging and Longevity Study in the Sirente geographic area (ilSIRENTE Study). Gerontology. 2006;52(1):24-32.

  18. Chaves PH, Carlson MC, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Semba R, Fried LP. Association between mild anemia and executive function impairment in community-dwelling older women: The Women's Health and Aging Study II. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006;54(9):1429-1435.

  19. Coppin AK, Ferrucci L, Lauretani F, Phillips C, Chang M, Bandinelli S, Guralnik JM. Low socioeconomic status and disability in old age: evidence from the InChianti Study for the mediating role of physiological impairments. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(1):86-91.

  20. Coppin AK, Shumway-Cook A, Saczynski JS, Patel KV, Ble A, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM. Association of executive function and performance of dual-task physical tests among older adults: analyses from the InChianti study. Age Ageing. 2006;35(6):619-624.

  21. Di Iorio A, Cherubini A, Volpato S, Sparvieri E, Lauretani F, Franceschi C, Senin U, Abate G, Paganelli R, Martin A, Andres-Lacueva C, Ferrucci L. Markers of inflammation, vitamin E and peripheral nervous system function: the InCHIANTI study. Neurobiol Aging. 2006;27(9):1280-1288.

  22. Dominguez LJ, Barbagallo M, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Bos A, Corsi AM, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L. Magnesium and muscle performance in older persons: the InCHIANTI study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006;84(2):419-426.

  23. Ershler WB, Longo DL. A report card for geriatric oncology: borderline pass, improvement needed. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(7):688.

  24. Faulkner KA, Redfern MS, Rosano C, Landsittel DP, Studenski SA, Cauley JA, Zmuda JM, Simonsick EM, Kritchevsky SB, Newman AB; Health ABC Study. Reciprocal influence of concurrent walking and cognitive testing on performance in older adults. Gait Posture. 2006;24(2):182-189.

  25. Feng Y, Yuan JH, Maloid SC, Fisher R, Copeland TD, Longo DL, Conrads TP, Veenstra TD, Ferris A, Hughes S, Dimitrov DS, Ferris DK. Pole-like kinase 1-mediated phosphorylation of the GTP-binding protein Ran is important for bipolar spindle formation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006;349(1):144-152.

  26. Ferrucci L, Cherubini A, Bandinelli S, Bartali B, Corsi A, Lauretani F, Martin A, Andres-Lacueva C, Senin U, Guralnik JM. Relationship of plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids to circulating inflammatory markers. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006;91(2):439-446.

  27. Ferrucci L, Maggio M, Bandinelli S, Basaria S, Lauretani F, Ble A, Valenti G, Ershler WB, Guralnik JM, Longo DL. Low testosterone levels and the risk of anemia in older men and women. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(13):1380-1388.

  28. Ferrucci L, Maggio M, Ceda GP, Beghi C, Valenti G, De Cicco G. Acute postoperative frailty. J Am Coll Surg. 2006;203(1):134-135.

  29. Ferrucci L, Mahallati A, Simonsick EM. Frailty and the foolishness of Eos. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(3):260-261.

  30. Ferrucci L, Simonsick EM. Of green bananas and chili peppers. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(3):259.

  31. Figaro MK, Kritchevsky SB, Resnick HE, Shorr RI, Butler J, Shintani A, Penninx BW, Simonsick EM, Goodpaster BH, Newman AB, Schwartz AV, Harris TB. Diabetes, inflammation, and functional decline in older adults: findings from the Health, Aging and Body Composition (ABC) Study. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(9):2039-2045.

  32. Forth KE, Metter EJ, Paloski WH. Age associated differences in postural equilibrium control: A comparison between EQscore and minimum time to contact (TTC(min)). Gait Posture. 2006;25(1):56-62.

  33. Francesconi P, Cantini E, Bavazzano E, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Buiatti E, Ferrucci L. Classification of residents in nursing homes in Tuscany (Italy) using Resource Utilization Groups Version III (RUG-III). Aging Clin Exp Res. 2006;18(2):133-140.

  34. Galban CJ, Ling SM, Galban CJ, Taub DD, Gurkan I, Fishbein KW, Spencer RG. Effects of knee injection on skeletal muscle metabolism and contractile force in rats. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2006;15(5):550-558.

  35. Garg PK, Tian L, Criqui MH, Liu K, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Tan J, McDermott MM. Physical activity during daily life and mortality in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Circulation. 2006;114(3):242-248.

  36. Giri J, McDermott MM, Greenland P, Guralnik JM, Criqui MH, Liu K, Ferrucci L, Green D, Schneider JR, Tian L. Statin use and functional decline in patients with and without peripheral arterial disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006;47(5):998-1004.

  37. Gori AM, Sofi F, Corsi AM, Gazzini A, Sestini I, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Gensini GF, Ferrucci L, Abbate R. Predictors of vitamin B6 and folate concentrations in older persons: the InCHIANTI Study. Clin Chem. 2006;52(7):1318-1324.

  38. Hougaku H, Fleg JL, Najjar SS, Lakatta EG, Harman SM, Blackman MR, Metter EJ. Relationship between androgenic hormones and arterial stiffness based on longitudinal hormone measurements. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006;290(2):E234-E242.

  39. Jehn ML, Patt MR, Appel LJ, Miller ER 3rd. One year follow-up of overweight and obese hypertensive adults following intensive lifestyle therapy. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2006;19(5):349-354.

  40. Koster A, Bosma H, Penninx BW, Newman AB, Harris TB, van Eijk JT, Kempen GI, Simonsick EM, Johnson KC, Rooks RN, Ayonayon HN, Rubin SM, Kritchevsky SB. Association of inflammatory markers with socioeconomic status. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(3):284-290.

  41. Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Bartali B, Iorio AD, Giacomini V, Corsi AM, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Axonal degeneration affects muscle density in older men and women. Neurobiol Aging. 2006;27(8):1145-1154.

  42. Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Russo CR, Maggio M, Di Iorio A, Cherubini A, Maggio D, Ceda GP, Valenti G, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Correlates of bone quality in older persons. Bone. 2006;39(4):915-921.

  43. Lee GD, Longo DL, Wang Y, Rifkind JM, Abdul-Raman L, Mamczarz JA, Duffy KB, Spangler EL, Taub DD, Mattson MP, Ingram DK. Transient improvement in cognitive function and synaptic plasticity in rats following cancer chemotherapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2006;12(1):198-205.

  44. Ling SM, Xue QL, Simonsick EM, Tian J, Bandeen-Roche K, Fried LP, Bathon JM. Transitions to mobility difficulty associated with lower extremity osteoarthritis in high functioning older women: longitudinal data from the Women's Health and Aging Study II. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;55(2):256-263.

  45. Longo DL. Idiotype vaccination in follicular lymphoma: knocking on the doorway to cure. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006;98(18):1263-1265.

  46. Maggio M, Basaria S, Ble A, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Paolo Ceda G, Valenti G, Ling SM, Ferrucci L. Correlation between testosterone and the inflammatory marker soluble interleukin-6 receptor (sIL-6r) in older men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006;91(1):345-347.

  47. Maggio M, Blackford A, Taub D, Carducci M, Ble A, Metter EJ, Braga-Basaria M, Dobs A, Basaria S. Circulating inflammatory cytokine expression in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. J Androl. 2006;27(6):725-728.

  48. Maggio M, Ble A, Ceda GP, Metter EJ. Decline in insulin-like growth factor-I levels across adult life span in two large population studies. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(2):182-183.

  49. Maggio M, Ceda GP, Lauretani F, Pahor M, Bandinelli S, Najjar SS, Ling SM, Basaria S, Ruggiero C, Valenti G, Ferrucci L. Relation of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor treatment to insulin-like growth factor-1 serum levels in subjects >65 years of age (the InCHIANTI Study). Am J Cardiol. 2006;97(10):1525-1529.

  50. Maggio M, Guralnik JM, Longo DL, Ferrucci L. Interleukin-6 in aging and chronic disease: a magnificent pathway. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(6):575-584.

  51. Maggio M, Lauretani F, Ceda GP, Bandinelli S, Basaria S, Paolisso G, Ble A, Egan JM, Metter EJ, Abbatecola AM, Zuliani G, Ruggiero C, Valenti G, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Association of hormonal dysregulation with metabolic syndrome in older women (Data from the InCHIANTI Study). Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006;292(1):E353-E358.

  52. Martel GF, Roth SM, Ivey FM, Lemmer JT, Tracy BL, Hurlbut DE, Metter EJ, Hurley BF, Rogers MA. Age and sex affect muscle fibre adaptations to heavy resistance strength training. Exp Physiol. 2006;91(2):457-464.

  53. McDermott MM, Criqui MH, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Tian L, Liu K, Greenland P, Tan J, Schneider JR, Clark E, Pearce WH. Obesity, weight change, and functional decline in peripheral arterial disease. J Vasc Surg. 2006;43(6):1198-1204.

  54. McDermott MM, Liu K, Ferrucci L, Criqui MH, Greenland P, Guralnik JM, Tian L, Schneider JR, Pearce WH, Tan J, Martin GJ. Physical performance in peripheral arterial disease: a slower rate of decline in patients who walk more. Ann Intern Med. 2006;144(1):10-20. Summary for patients in: Ann Intern Med. 2006;144(1):I20.

  55. McDermott MM, Liu K, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, Green D, Greenland P, Tian L, Criqui MH, Lo C, Rifai N, Ridker PM, Zheng J, Pearce W. Functional decline in patients with and without peripheral arterial disease: predictive value of annual changes in levels of C-reactive protein and d-dimer. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(4):374-379.

  56. McDermott MM, Sufit R, Nishida T, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, Tian L, Liu K, Tan J, Pearce WH, Schneider JR, Sharma L, Criqui MH. Lower extremity nerve function in patients with lower extremity ischemia. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(18):1986-1992.

  57. McDonnell NB, Gorman BL, Mandel KW, Schurman SH, Assanah-Carroll A, Mayer SA, Najjar SS, Francomano CA. Echocardiographic findings in classical and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndromes. Am J Med Genet A. 2006;140(2):129-136.

  58. McHutchison JG, Manns MP, Longo DL. Definition and management of anemia in patients infected with hepatitis C virus. Liver Int. 2006;26(4):389-398.

  59. Newman AB, Kupelian V, Visser M, Simonsick EM, Goodpaster BH, Kritchevsky SB, Tylavsky FA, Rubin SM, Harris TB. Strength, but not muscle mass, is associated with mortality in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study cohort. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(1):72-77.

  60. Newman AB, Simonsick EM, Naydeck BL, Boudreau RM, Kritchevsky SB, Nevitt MC, Pahor M, Satterfield S, Brach JS, Studenski SA, Harris TB. Association of long-distance corridor walk performance with mortality, cardiovascular disease, mobility limitation, and disability. JAMA. 2006;295(17):2018-2026.

  61. Odden MC, Chertow GM, Fried LF, Newman AB, Connelly S, Angleman S, Harris TB, Simonsick EM, Shlipak MG. Cystatin C and measures of physical function in elderly adults. Am J Epidemiol. 2006;164(12):1180-1189.

  62. Paganelli R, Di Iorio A, Cherubini A, Lauretani F, Mussi C, Volpato S, Abate M, Abate G, Ferrucci L. Frailty of older age: the role of the endocrine--immune interaction. Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12(24):3147-3159.

  63. Parsons JK, Carter HB, Partin AW, Windham BG, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L, Landis P, Platz EA. Metabolic factors associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006;91(7):2562-2568.

  64. Patel KV, Coppin AK, Manini TM, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM. Midlife physical activity and mobility in older age the InCHIANTI Study. Am J Prev Med. 2006;31(3):217-224.

  65. Pope SK, Kritchevsky SB, Ambrosone C, Yaffe K, Tylavsky F, Simonsick EM, Rosano C, Stewart S, Harris T. Myeloperoxidase polymorphism and cognitive decline in older adults in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2006;163(12):1084-1090.

  66. Ray AL, Semba RD, Walston J, Ferrucci L, Cappola AR, Ricks MO, Xue QL, Fried LP. Low serum selenium and total carotenoids predict mortality among older women living in the community: The Women's Health and Aging Studies. J Nutr. 2006;136(1):172-176.

  67. Roth SM, Metter EJ, Ling S, Ferrucci L. Inflammatory factors in age-related muscle wasting. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2006;18(6):625-630.

  68. Ruggiero C, Cherubini A, Ble A, Bos AJ, Maggio M, Dixit VD, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Senin U, Ferrucci L. Uric acid and inflammatory markers. Eur Heart J. 2006;27(10):1174-1181.

  69. Ruggiero C, Ferrucci L. The endeavor of high maintenance homeostasis: resting metabolic rate and the legacy of longevity. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61(5):466-473.

  70. Russo CR, Lauretani F, Seeman E, Bartali B, Bandinelli S, Di Iorio A, Guralnik J, Ferrucci L. Structural adaptations to bone loss in aging men and women. Bone. 2006;38(1):112-118.

  71. Russo A, Onder G, Cesari M, Zamboni V, Barillaro C, Capoluongo E, Pahor M, Bernabei R, Landi F, Ferrucci L. Lifetime occupation and physical function: a prospective cohort study on persons aged 80 years and older living in a community. Occup Environ Med. 2006;63(7):438-442.

  72. Ryder KM, Shorr RI, Tylavsky FA, Bush AJ, Bauer DC, Simonsick EM, Strotmeyer ES, Harris TB; Health ABC Study. Correlates of use of antifracture therapy in older women with low bone mineral density. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(6):636-641.

  73. Scola L, Lio D, Crivello A, Candore G, Forte GI, Colonna-Romano G, Pes MG, Carru C, Ferrucci L, Deiana L, Baggio G, Franceschi C, Caruso C. Analysis of HLA-DQA, HLA-DQB frequencies in a group of Sardinian centenarians. Rejuvenation Res. 2006;9(1):157-160.

  74. Semba RD, Ferrucci L, Cappola AR, Ricks MO, Ray AL, Xue QL, Guralnik JM, Fried LP. Low serum Selenium is associated with anemia among older women living in the community: The Women's Health and Aging Studies I and II. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2006;112(2):97-108.

  75. Shorr RI, de Rekeneire N, Resnick HE, Yaffe K, Somes GW, Kanaya AM, Simonsick EM, Newman AB, Harris TB. Glycemia and cognitive function in older adults using glucose-lowering drugs. J Nutr Health Aging. 2006;10(4):297-301.

  76. Simonsick EM, Fan E, Fleg JL. Estimating cardiorespiratory fitness in well-functioning older adults: treadmill validation of the long distance corridor walk. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006;54(1):127-132.

  77. Sollers JJ 3rd, Merritt MM, Silver RA, Sadle TN, Ferrucci L, Thayer JF. Comparison of arterial compliance indices derived via beat-to-beat blood pressure waveforms: aging and ethnicity. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2006;42:518-523.

  78. Sudore RL, Mehta KM, Simonsick EM, Harris TB, Newman AB, Satterfield S, Rosano C, Rooks RN, Rubin SM, Ayonayon HN, Yaffe K. Limited literacy in older people and disparities in health and healthcare access. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006;54(5):770-776.

  79. Sudore RL, Yaffe K, Satterfield S, Harris TB, Mehta KM, Simonsick EM, Newman AB, Rosano C, Rooks R, Rubin SM, Ayonayon HN, Schillinger D. Limited literacy and mortality in the elderly: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(8):806-812.

  80. Terracciano A, McCrae RR, Costa PT Jr. Longitudinal trajectories in Guilford-Zimmerman temperament survey data: results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2006;61(2):P108-P116.

  81. Thornley-Brown D, Wang X, Wright JT Jr, Randall OS, Miller ER, Lash JP, Gassman J, Contreras G, Appel LJ, Agodoa LY, Cheek D. Differing effects of antihypertensive drugs on the incidence of diabetes mellitus among patients with hypertensive kidney disease. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(7):797-805.

  82. Thorpe RJ, Simonsick EM, Brach JS, Ayonayon H, Satterfield S, Harris TB, Garcia M, Kritchevsky SB; for the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Dog ownership, walking behavior, and maintained mobility in late life. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006;54(9):1419-1424.

  83. Walston J, Hadley EC, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Newman AB, Studenski SA, Ershler WB, Harris T, Fried LP. Research agenda for frailty in older adults: toward a better understanding of physiology and etiology: summary from the American Geriatrics Society/National Institute on Aging Research Conference on Frailty in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006;54(6):991-1001.

  84. Walston J, Xue Q, Semba RD, Ferrucci L, Cappola AR, Ricks M, Guralnik J, Fried LP. Serum antioxidants, inflammation, and total mortality in older women. Am J Epidemiol. 2006;163(1):18-26.

  85. Yende S, Waterer GW, Tolley EA, Newman AB, Bauer DC, Taaffe DR, Jensen R, Crapo R, Rubin S, Nevitt M, Simonsick EM, Satterfield S, Harris T, Kritchevsky SB. Inflammatory markers are associated with ventilatory limitation and muscle dysfunction in obstructive lung disease in well functioning elderly subjects. Thorax. 2006;61(1):10-16.


  1. Abbatecola AM, Ferrucci L, Ceda G, Russo CR, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Barbieri M, Valenti G, Paolisso G. Insulin resistance and muscle strength in older persons. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005;60(10):1278-1282.

  2. Berndt SI, Carter HB, Landis PK, Hallfrisch J, Rohrmann S, Metter EJ, Platz EA. Prediagnostic plasma vitamin C levels and the subsequent risk of prostate cancer. Nutrition. 2005;21(6):686-690.

  3. Ble A, Fink JC, Woodman RC, Klausner MA, Windham BG, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Renal function, erythropoietin, and anemia of older persons: The InCHIANTI Study. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165(19):2222-2227.

  4. Ble A, Volpato S, Zuliani G, Guralnik JM, Bandinelli S, Lauretani F, Bartali B, Maraldi C, Fellin R, Ferrucci L. Executive function correlates with walking speed in older persons: the InCHIANTI Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005;53(3):410-415.

  5. Ble A, Windham BG, Bandinelli S, Taub DD, Volpato S, Bartali B, Tracy RP, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Relation of plasma leptin to C-reactive protein in older adults (from the Invecchiare nel Chianti Study). Am J Cardiol. 2005;96(7):991-995.

  6. Carter HB, Landis P, Wright EJ, Parsons JK, Metter EJ. Can a baseline prostate specific antigen level identify men who will have lower urinary tract symptoms later in life? J Urol. 2005;173(6):2040-2043.

  7. Chaves PH, Semba RD, Leng SX, Woodman RC, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Fried LP. Impact of anemia and cardiovascular disease on frailty status of community-dwelling older women: The Women's Health and Aging Studies I and II. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005;60(6):729-735.

  8. Chen GJ, Ferrucci L, Moran WP, Pahor M. A cost-minimization analysis of diuretic-based antihypertensive therapy reducing cardiovascular events in older adults with isolated systolic hypertension. Cost Eff Resour Alloc. 2005;3(1):2.

  9. Cherubini A, Martin A, Andres-Lacueva C, Di Iorio A, Lamponi M, Mecocci P, Bartali B, Corsi A, Senin U, Ferrucci L. Vitamin E levels, cognitive impairment and dementia in older persons: the InCHIANTI study. Neurobiol Aging. 2005;26(7):987-994.

  10. Conwit RA, Ling S, Roth S, Stashuk D, Hurley B, Ferrell R, Metter EJ. The relationship between ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) genotype and motor unit physiology: preliminary studies. BMC Physiol. 2005;5(1):15.

  11. Elosua R, Bartali B, Ordovas JM, Corsi AM, Lauretani F, Ferrucci L. Association between physical activity, physical performance, and inflammatory biomarkers in an elderly population: The InCHIANTI Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005;60(6):760-767.

  12. Ershler WB, Sheng S, McKelvey J, Artz AS, Denduluri N, Tecson J, Taub DD, Brant LJ, Ferrucci L, Longo DL. Serum erythropoietin and aging: a longitudinal analysis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005;53(8):1360-1365.

  13. Ferrucci L, Corsi A, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Bartali B, Taub DD, Guralnik JM, Longo DL. The origins of age-related pro-inflammatory state. Blood. 2005;105(6):2294-2299.

  14. Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Woodman RC, Bandinelli S, Lauretani F, Corsi AM, Chaves PH, Ershler WB, Longo DL. Proinflammatory state and circulating erythropoietin in persons with and without anemia. Am J Med. 2005;118(11):1288.

  15. Fleg JL, Morrell CH, Bos AG, Brant LJ, Talbot LA, Wright JG, Lakatta EG. Accelerated longitudinal decline of aerobic capacity in healthy older adults. Circulation. 2005;112(5):674-682.

  16. Fried LP, Hadley EC, Walston JD, Newman A, Guralnik JM, Studenski S, Harris TB, Ershler WB, Ferrucci L. From bedside to bench: research agenda for frailty. Sci Aging Knowledge Environ. 2005;2005(31):pe24.

  17. Geroldi C, Frisoni GB, Paolisso G, Bandinelli S, Lamponi M, Abbatecola AM, Zanetti O, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L. Insulin resistance in cognitive impairment: the InCHIANTI study. Arch Neurol. 2005;62(7):1067-1072.

  18. Gori AM, Corsi AM, Fedi S, Gazzini A, Sofi F, Bartali B, Bandinelli S, Gensini GF, Abbate R, Ferrucci L. A proinflammatory state is associated with hyperhomocysteinemia in the elderly. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;82(2):335-341.

  19. Han B, Phillips C, Ferrucci L, Bandeen-Roche K, Jylha M, Kasper J, Guralnik JM. Change in self-rated health and mortality among community-dwelling disabled older women. Gerontologist. 2005;45(2):216-221.

  20. Hougaku H, Fleg JL, Lakatta EG, Scuteri A, Earley CJ, Najjar S, Deb S, Metter EJ. Effect of light-to-moderate alcohol consumption on age-associated arterial stiffening. Am J Cardiol. 2005;95(8):1006-1010.

  21. Iwao N, Iwao S, Muller DC, Koda M, Ando F, Shimokata H, Kobayashi F, Andres R. Differences in the relationship between lipid CHD risk factors and body composition in Caucasians and Japanese. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2005;29(2):228-235.

  22. Leng SX, Xue QL, Huang Y, Ferrucci L, Fried LP, Walston JD. Baseline total and specific differential white blood cell counts and 5-year all-cause mortality in community-dwelling older women. Exp Gerontol. 2005;40(12):982-987.

  23. Maggio D, Cherubini A, Lauretani F, Russo RC, Bartali B, Pierandrei M, Ruggiero C, Macchiarulo MC, Giorgino R, Minisola S, Ferrucci L. 25(OH)D serum levels decline with age earlier in women than in men and less efficiently prevent compensatory hyperparathyroidism in plder adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005;60(11):1414-1419.

  24. Maggio M, Basaria S, Ceda GP, Ceresini G, Valenti G, Ferrucci L. The role of soluble interleukin-6 receptor in inflammatory diseases. Immunol Lett. 2005;98(1):171.

  25. Maggio M, Ceda GP, De Cicco G, Cattadori E, Visioli S, Ablondi F, Beghi C, Gherli T, Basaria S, Ceresini G, Valenti G, Ferrucci L. Acute changes in circulating hormones in older patients with impaired ventricular function undergoing on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. J Endocrinol Invest. 2005;28(8):711-719.

  26. McDermott MM, Guralnik JM, Corsi A, Albay M, Macchi C, Bandinelli S, Ferrucci L. Patterns of inflammation associated with peripheral arterial disease: the InCHIANTI study. Am Heart J. 2005;150(2):276-281.

  27. McDermott MM, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, Criqui MH, Greenland P, Tian L, Liu K, Tan J. Functional decline in lower-extremity peripheral arterial disease: Associations with comorbidity, gender, and race. J Vasc Surg. 2005;42(6):1131-1137.

  28. Metter EJ, Schrager M, Ferrucci L, Talbot LA. Evaluation of movement speed and reaction time as predictors of all-cause mortality in men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005;60(7):840-846.

  29. Onder G, Penninx BW, Ferrucci L, Fried LP, Guralnik JM, Pahor M. Measures of physical performance and risk for progressive and catastrophic disability: results from the Women's Health and Aging Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005;60(1):74-79.

  30. Parsons JK, Carter HB, Platz EA, Wright EJ, Landis P, Metter EJ. Serum testosterone and the risk of prostate cancer: potential implications for testosterone therapy. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2005;14(9):2257-2260.

  31. Platz EA, Rohrmann S, Pearson JD, Corrada MM, Watson DJ, De Marzo AM, Landis PK, Metter EJ, Carter HB. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of prostate cancer in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2005;14(2):390-396.

  32. Rodriguez A, Muller DC, Engelhardt M, Andres R. Contribution of impaired glucose tolerance in subjects with the metabolic syndrome: Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Metabolism. 2005;54(4):542-547.

  33. Scuteri A, Najjar SS, Muller D, Andres R, Morrell CH, Zonderman AB, Lakatta EG. APOE4 allele and the natural history of cardiovascular risk factors. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005; 289(2): E322-E327.

  34. Shumway-Cook A, Patla A, Stewart AL, Ferrucci L, Ciol MA, Guralnik JM. Assessing environmentally determined mobility disability: self-report versus observed community mobility. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005;53(4):700-704.

  35. Sorkin JD, Muller DC, Fleg JL, Andres R. The relation of fasting and 2-h postchallenge plasma glucose concentrations to mortality: data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging with a critical review of the literature. Diabetes Care. 2005;28(11):2626-2632.

  36. Talbot LA, Musiol RJ, Witham EK, Metter EJ. Falls in young, middle-aged and older community dwelling adults: perceived cause, environmental factors and injury. BMC Public Health. 2005;5(1):86.

  37. Tucker KL, Hallfrisch J, Qiao N, Muller D, Andres R, Fleg JL. The combination of high fruit and vegetable and low saturated fat intakes is more protective against mortality in aging men than is either alone: The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Nutr. 2005;135(3):556-561.

  38. Vezzoli G, Soldati L, Arcidiacono T, Terranegra A, Biasion R, Russo CR, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Bartali B, Cherubini A, Cusi D, Ferrucci L. Urinary calcium is a determinant of bone mineral density in elderly men participating in the InCHIANTI study. Kidney Int. 2005;67(5):2006-2014.

  39. Walsh S, Zmuda JM, Cauley JA, Shea PR, Metter EJ, Hurley BF, Ferrell RE, Roth SM. Androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism is associated with fat free mass in men. J Appl Physiol. 2005;98(1):132-137.

  40. Walston J, Arking DE, Fallin D, Li T, Beamer B, Xue Q, Ferrucci L, Fried LP, Chakravarti A. IL-6 gene variation is not associated with increased serum levels of IL-6, muscle, weakness, or frailty in older women. Exp Gerontol. 2005;40(4):344-352.

  41. Windham BG, Griswold ME, Fried LP, Rubin GS, Xue QL, Carlson MC. Impaired vision and the ability to take medications. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005;53(7):1179-1190.

  42. Woodman R, Ferrucci L, Guralnik J. Anemia in older adults. Curr Opin Hematol. 2005;12(2):123-128.

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