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Press Releases

02/07/13 Casey, Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Bill to Better Prepare Nation for the Threat of Pandemics or Bioterror Attacks »
02/07/13 Casey Pushes for Support of Pennsylvania’s Ports- Measure Could Benefit Erie, Philadelphia »
02/07/13 Casey Pushes for Grant to Assist Philadelphia Fire Department »
02/06/13 Casey Calls on Congress to Pass Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization »
02/05/13 Casey Statement on Bulgaria’s Announcement Linking Hezbollah to the July Bus Bombing »
02/05/13 Casey Introduces Bill to Designate York and Lancaster Counties as a National Heritage Area »
02/04/13 Casey: CDC Report Reveals Positive Legionella Tests Were Not Immediately Reported to Infection Team »
02/01/13 Casey Calls for Inspector General’s Investigation Into Job Corps Enrollment Freeze that Will Cost Nearly 450 Jobs Statewide, Limit Job Training for At Risk Youth »
01/31/13 Casey: FEMA Still Hasn’t Fully Reimbursed PA Counties for Preparation Costs for Hurricane Sandy- In Letter to FEMA, Senator Supports State’s Appeal  »
01/30/13 Casey Releases County By County Report Showing Gender Pay Gap Is Hurting PA Families  »
01/29/13 Casey Statement on John Kerry’s Confirmation As Secretary of State »
01/29/13 Casey: Federal Government Has Failed to Implement Rules that Would Allow Military Families to Care for Sick Loved One »
01/29/13 Casey, Leahy Call for Independent Investigation into Possible War Crimes by Sri Lankan Government, LTTE »
01/28/13 Casey Pushes for Reforms to Protect Children and Vulnerable Pennsylvanians from Another Heinous Crime »
01/25/13 As Acme Sale Goes Final, Casey Urges New Owners to Keep Jobs in PA »

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Media Contacts

(202) 228-6367 Press Office

(202) 228-0734 Press Fax