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Nonimmigrant Visas

Crew Visa Program (CVP)

CVP Registration:

Crewing agencies that lawfully operate within Indonesia can apply to join the Crew Visa Program (CVP) at U.S. Embassy Jakarta and/or U.S. Consulate Surabaya. The CVP screens preregistered, reputable crewing agencies and more efficiently handles their crewmember (C1/D) visa applicants at special times. Crewing agencies may submit the following documents via email to

Agency Information:

  • List the crew agent’s company name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address.
  • State how long the agency has been in operation.
  • Describe any current or past affiliation with any other crew agencies.

Carrier Information:

  • List all carriers for whom the agency recruits crewmembers, including a contact with complete mailing address, telephone/fax numbers and email address.
  • Provide the name and types of vessels for which the agency recruits crewmembers.
  • List and describe the crewmembers’ positions.

(After becoming a CVP member, please update this information if it changes.)

Authorized Agency Officer: Provide the names, dates of birth, positions, mailing addresses, telephone/fax numbers, email addresses, photographs and sample signatures for a primary contact, an alternate contact, a liaison officer, and an authorized person to sign the Verification letter.

Affiliations: For each of the agency’s executives, list any/all past or current affiliations with any other crewing agencies.

Verification Letter: List and describe security features in the agency’s letter that verifies its legitimate C1/D visa applicants. Provide a Sample Verification Letter (PDF, 17 KB). Each cover letter must bear a unique serial number in the following format: year-xx. It must be signed by an authorized agency officer. If contacted, this agency officer must be able to confirm an applicant’s name and assignment from the serial number on the cover letter. Each applicant’s verification letter must contain:

  • Port and date of Embarkation: where and when the crewmember will join the ship;
  • Port and date of Entry: where and when the ship will first enter the U.S.;

License: Submit evidence of the agency’s permission to lawfully conduct business in Indonesia. The agency’s SIUP and/or notarized Akta must indicate that the company recruits crew in Indonesia.

Carrier’s Signed Contract: Submit signed contract between the carrier and the crewing agency showing relationship.

Sample Crewmember Carrier-Employment Contract: A C1/D visa applicant must be able to, upon request, show this contract to a consular officer.

Signed Certification: Please sign and return the Certification. (PDF, size 13KB)


CVP Approval

If a crewing agent passes the first step in the CVP registration process, consular staff will meet with the agency staff at their office.  Consular staff will review each CVP registration request after the agency site visit and notify the agency of our determination.

Once a crewing agency is approved for the CVP, the agent may prepare its crewmembers for visa appointments by following the instructions under “How to apply for a C1/D Visa” below.

How to Apply  for a C1/D Visa:

All visa applicants must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the consul that they are fully qualified under all applicable sections of U.S. law. Approved visas will generally be ready for pickup three to five business days after the appointment. Applications submitted under the CVP may still be subject to additional processing that may delay visa approval, as well as additional inspection by the Department of Homeland Security at U.S. ports of entry.

Each agent must pay individual C-1/D visa fees at designated Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) or Permata Bank branches. Visa fee receipts for CVP applicants must contain the CVP applicant’s (not the CVP agency’s) data. A unique user ID and PIN will be received for each applicant at the time of payment. CVP agents may pay C-1/D visa fees up to twelve months in advance. Each agent must use one payment slip per each C-1/D visa applicant. Once payment is complete, agents will log on to our appointment system website. All CVP members will receive a login and access code (separate from the code their seafarer’s receive) to access our appointment system website. Payment is required in full before agents can schedule interviews on the appointment system. 

Crewmember appointments are scheduled every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning, except on American and Indonesian holidays.

Visa Documents

Required Documents

All visa applicants must complete an Electronic Non-Immigrant Visa Application DS-160 online and bring the confirmation page to the Embassy. Applicants with incomplete DS-160 applications will be turned away. Either the applicant or agent can complete the forms, but if the agent completes an applicant’s forms, both the agent and the applicant must sign and verify the form’s accuracy and completeness. All applicants are also required to submit a valid, non-modified photo that meets U.S. visa standards. C1/D visa applicants are also required to bring a valid passport and a verification letter from their agent or principal.

Additional Documents that are Helpful but not Required

Seaman’s  Book: which is valid beyond the expiration date of the employment contract, as well as all prior seaman’s books.

School and Employment Documents: Applicants who have served on two or fewer international ships should bring school transcripts, proof of training, and verification letters from previous employers to the interview

Training Certificates: Applicants should show proof of training relevant to being a crewman aboard an ocean-going vessel.

Job Descriptions: If taking an unusual or uncommon position, including whether the position is temporary or permanent.

It is recommended that seafarers bring all previous passports and seafarer books to help support their applications. We expect that successful visa applicants can talk freely about their work experience and all aspects of any prior visas.

Quick Links and Downloadable Documents for Agents and Their Crewmembers:


Visa Pick up Information
Successful visa applicants are given instructions on when their visa will be ready.

Unsuccessful visa applicants will receive an information sheet explaining the grounds for their refusal and/or why visa processing cannot continue.

To inquire about the status of a visa application, agents only please email


CVP Details

Agents must keep records on all crewmembers who have obtained U.S. visas. We may ask agents to provide information on specific visa applicants or how many currently hold valid U.S. visas, how many are currently on ships, and how many are no longer on ships.

It is important to submit applications only for trained/experienced sailors. An applicant who cannot explain the details of the visa application – including relevant experience – will appear unprepared. Agents should ensure that all personnel are listed at

CVP agencies must prescreen their applicants for issues that might result in visa problems.Each seafarer is required to answer all the security-related questions on the DS-160 truthfully.  Unqualified applicants reflect badly on the reputation of their agent. If there is a potential issue related to a particular applicant, you should discuss this with the Embassy before submitting an application for that crewmember.

Applicants who were previously ineligible for a U.S. visa must acknowledge it on their applications. A prior refusal does not automatically disqualify a crewmember, but neglecting to disclose/admit the prior refusal (Question 31) will disqualify him/her. Honesty, accuracy, and completeness are of utmost importance.

If a crewing agent wishes to recruit personnel for a different shipping line, the agent must amend the terms of its CVP registration before submitting these applications. Agents should submit the following information to in order to complete the registration process for the new principal:

  • Company name, telephone number, fax number, and name of contact person;
  • Vessel names, flags, types and tonnages; and
  • Signed agreement between agency and new principal.

Agents are responsible for keeping track of their crewmembers with U.S. visas obtained under the CVP. The moment a crewmember resigns, the agent must email with the applicant’s name, passport number, and date of birth. The agent must present the crewmember’s passport to the Embassy for visa cancellation as soon as possible. If a crewmember has joined another crewing company, the agent should provide the following information to in order to determine whether or not the C1/D visa needs to be cancelled and reissued: name of crewmember’s new principal; crewmember's former position; crewmember's new position; date terminated with your company; and date signed on with new company.

Every agent’s participation in the CVP is conditional. The Embassy will monitor every agent’s performance and reserve the right to limit, suspend or terminate participation in the CVP. If a crewing agent does not abide by CVP guidelines, the consular officer will suspend that agent. After the suspension period, we will interview the suspended agent to determine whether or not the agency qualifies for the CVP. If we determine that the agent is no longer qualified for the CVP, the agent will be terminated from the CVP. The agent may re-apply for the CVP after a five year termination period only if new principal officers have been put in place.



All visa applicants should check the accuracy of all the data printed on the visa, including name, date of birth, passport number, gender, and photo. Advise us immediately of any errors.

Indonesian citizens usually qualify for multiple entry, four year C1/D visas. The visa expiration date is the last day the bearer may seek entry to the U.S. A valid visa does not guarantee entry to the U.S. It allows the traveler to apply for entry. U.S. immigration inspectors of the Department of Homeland Security determine entry, and the length and conditions of stay. Travelers must respect the terms of their entry; if not they may be denied visas and reentry in the future. Passports must be valid for at least six months from the time you plan to depart the U.S. However, travelers may use a valid visa in an expired passport with a valid passport to seek entry to the U.S.

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