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Environmental Office

ESTH Regional Hub Office

The Nordic/Baltic ESTH Regional Hub office is the United States' point of contact for regional environment, science, technology and health (ESTH) issues for the Nordic/Baltic region. 

The office acts as a liaison between governments, international organizations, the private sector, research institutions and non-governmental organizations on these issues.  Additionally, the Regional Hub Officer coordinates programs of regional interest.  The Hub region involves the eleven U.S. missions in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Poland and Germany.  Diverse regional issues include renewable/clean energy, Arctic health, technology commercialization, climate finance and sustainability.

In 1996, former U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher responded to growing concerns about trans-boundary environmental concerns with the creation of U.S. regional environmental offices in key regions around the world. These "Hubs" were designed to complement the activities of U.S. diplomatic missions by concentrating on trans-boundary issues of regional and global significance. The Hubs are part of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES).

The Hub office was established in 1998 under this initiative. The office, located at the U. S. Embassy in Copenhagen, is the United States' point of regional contact for ESTH issues.  The Nordic/Baltic office is one of 12 Hubs around the world.  The other Hubs are located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Amman, Jordan; Bangkok, Thailand; Brasilia, Brazil; Budapest, Hungary; Gaborone, Botswana; Kathmandu, Nepal; Libreville, Gabon; San Jose, Costa Rica; Suva, Fiji and Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Environment, Science and Technology e-Letter

  • E-letter number 11

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts. At the very end of the e-Letter you will find our featured story, offering background on Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). 

  • ESTH E-Letter, Number ten

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts. At the very end of the e-Letter you will find our featured story, offering background on ocean energy. 

  • ESTH E-Letter, Number nine

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts. At the very end of the e-Letter you will find our featured story, offering background on biofuels. 

  • ESTH E-Letter, Number eight

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts. At the very end of the e-Letter you will find our featured story, offering background on NASA‟s Operation IceBridge . 

  • ESTH E-Letter, Number seven

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts. At the very end of the e-Letter you will find our featured story, offering background on wind power. 

  • ESTH E-Letter, Number six

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts. At the very end of the e-Letter you will find our featured story, offering background on shale gas. 

  • ESTH e-Letter, Number five

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts. At the very end of the e-Letter you will find our featured story, offering a background on Rare Earth Elements. 

  • ESTH e-Letter, Number four

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts. At the very end of the e-Letter you will find our featured story, offering background on Combined Heat and Power (CHP). 

  • ESTH e-Letter, Number three

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts! At the very end of the e-letter you will find our featured story, offering background on Low Emissions Development Strategies. 

  • ESTH e-Letter, Number two

    Welcome to the latest e-Letter, our unclassified electronic publication sharing regional information, news and events. We encourage you to visit the websites of our Embassies throughout the Hub. Feel free to disseminate to your contacts! 

  • ESTH e-Letter, Number one

    In this e-Letter we bring you news from the Scandinavian and Baltic regions focusing on Antimicrobial Resistance, Alternative Energy, AIDS, Smart Grids, Animal Protection, Clean Up Efforts and many other interesting topics. Click the link to download the e-Letter as a PDF (538 KB). 


Climate change and clean energy

EnSaCo Video

  • Click to go to video
    The Environment and Safety Management Cooperation on Shoreline Oil Spill Response (EnSaCo) recently held its final seminar in Helsinki. The organization’s efforts have strong implications for Baltic and Arctic states, as
    its final project sought to reduce environmental and socio-economic impacts of oil spill accidents through rapid and efficient shoreline
    response. The project promoted expertise levels and intensified cross-border shoreline response by jointly developing new practical
    management tools and efficient cooperation methods. Dr. Ed Owens, a
    geologist involved with global oil spill response and related research
    since 1970, played a key leadership role in the Deepwater Horizon
    release. His presentation outlining effective response methods can be found by clicking the link above.

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    All downloadable documents on this page are provided in PDF format.  To view PDFs you must have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.  You may download a free version by clicking the link above.