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Opening of Tony Oursler Exhibit ARoS Aarhus Kunst Museum March 2, 2012

Opening of Tony Oursler Exhibit - ARoS Aarhus Kunst Museum - March 2, 2012

Thank you, ARoS Aarhus Kunst Museum for inviting me to help you open Tony Oursler’s exhibit, “Face to Face.” Tonight is the first time I understood that this will be Tony’s largest exhibition even in Europe. Tony, you picked the right city and the right museum!

What a wonderful day to be together - in the city of smiles – under the rainbow – celebrating another aspect of U.S.- Danish friendship. I have recently returned from the United States – and I take credit for bringing with me this beautiful weather!

A week ago today, I attended the meeting between President Obama and Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. The importance of the U.S.-Danish relationship is demonstrated by the fact that within the space of 11 months – less than a year – President Obama has twice hosted the then-sitting Prime Minister for a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House.

The President and the Prime Minister had a great meeting. It began with President Obama remarking that perhaps this was the tallest delegation he had met with – in fact, the Danish delegation members were tall, and so were the Americans! The meeting ended with a discussion of the joys of teenage daughters.

For the 40 minutes in between, there was a straightforward discussion of issues of mutual concern: the European economy, the transition in Afghanistan from ISAF to ANSF, smart defense, the upcoming NATO summit in Chicago in May, and the challenges in foreign affairs, like Syria and Iran.

The over-riding atmosphere during the meeting was two leaders ofcompatible countries whose people admire and respect each other – and who understand the strength of partnership. That meeting was face-to-face.

We put an importance on “face-to-face” meetings and discussions. Face-to-face is an important consideration for us – and faces are important to how we relate to each other, how we perceive each other, how we sense emotions.

When I visited ARoS museum previously, I was intrigued by Tony Oursler’s “face” – And like each of you, I am very much looking forward to seeing his new exhibit this evening. The connections between our countries are long-standing and deep. For some of us, the connections include common ancestry and heritage. It also includes appreciation for each other’s culture. American children, but also adults, read H.C. Andersen fairy tales and Americans admire Danish design.

It’s wonderful that tonight through July 29th, Danes will have the opportunity to appreciate some of the works of this highly regarded American artist Tony Oursler. I was delighted to meet Tony face-to-face and now I look forward to coming face-to-face with his creative and provocative works of art.

Mange tak, ARoS for exhibiting Tony Oursler and for inviting me to join you for the opening. Now I look forward to meeting many of you face-to-face.

Thank you.