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May 14, 2012 - Opening Remarks, Integrationdays in Kolding

May 14, 2012 - Opening Remarks, Integrationdays in Kolding

Opening Remarks | Kolding Integration Days | May 14, 2012

Thank you, Mayor Pedersen and Mr. Zobi, for inviting me to be part of Kolding Integration Days.  Both Denmark and the United States have a shared interest in building strong and welcoming societies where all residents have the opportunity to thrive.

As the U.S. Ambassador to Denmark, I have the opportunity to travel throughout the country and learn about the important social, political, and economic developments.  It is wonderful to see everything that is happening here in Kolding.

And as many of you know, in my view, Jutland is the real Denmark.

Perhaps it is in my DNA -- but also my heart.

In 1910, 102 years ago, morfar, Jens Jensen, immigrated from Aale, a small village west of Horsens, to the United States.  So, I have some personal experience with the benefits of welcoming immigrants into society.

When my grandfather immigrated to the United States, he brought with him Danish traditions and values that defined our family and helped shape our community.  Mostly I remember his belief that every meal should end with coffee -- and dessert.

His father -- oldefar -- a husman, was a member of Landstinget from 1918 to 1940.  Another family tradition my grandfather brought with him to the United States was the commitment to involvement in politics as a way to be sure that everyone, no matter how poor, was represented and had the chance for a better life.

In that spirit, I’m always interested to see how Danes of various ethnic backgrounds are working together to build great communities.

Both in the U.S. and in Denmark, it is in the local communities that major strides are being made in inclusion and appreciation for diversity.

No one society has all the best ideas or the best traditions -- or even the best food.  Our lives become richer when we make room to appreciate other cultures.

Whether we are in Chicago, New York, Aarhus or Kolding, we share the common goal of appreciating the richness that comes from diverse backgrounds while working together as a common society.

I look forward to meeting with as many of you as possible in Kolding today to learn from your experiences.

Integration Days is a great initiative.  Mange tak for invitationen.


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