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Offices and Agencies

Special Projects Office

Ambassador Special Self-Help Program (Fiscal Year 2009: $90,000)

This Self-help fund provides small, short-term grants (one-year) to community groups that are working to improve the basic economic and social conditions of their villages or communities. The fund provides grants for activities such as construction of classrooms, construction of community centers and health clinics, and boreholes for access to clean water. Application Form link (PDF 223 KB)

Ambassador's HIV/AIDS Community Grants (Fiscal Year 2010: $125,000)

The U.S. Ambassador's HIV/AIDS Community Grants Program, funded by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) awards community-initiated projects in Lesotho which assist and promote orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) and HIV/AIDS infected persons. Application form (PDF 132 KB)

Ambassador's Girls Scholarship Program (Fiscal Year 2010: $118,000)

The AGSP provides scholarships for the retention of girls and boys who would otherwise have no means of staying in school. Mentoring and health training for the girls complements the scholarship program. To date, 1,153 scholarships have been provided to children in Lesotho, on the basis of academic merit, income, and the effects of HIV/AIDS on the child or family.


  • Telephone: +266.2231.2666