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Offices and Agencies

Economic/Commercial Section

The Economic/Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy represents American economic policy interests in Lesotho, including the continuing economic development of the mountain kingdom, and advises mission leadership and the U.S. Government on economic and labor issues in Lesotho.  The aim of the section is to promote fruitful bilateral trade and investment relations between Lesotho and United States of America and to build support for U.S. Government economic policies through innovative programs and activities.  

The section’s core functions include the promotion of Lesotho’s economic development, the diversification of Lesotho’s exports to the U.S. under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), and analysis and reporting on macroeconomic trends in Lesotho.

Through its links with the USAID Trade Hub in Gaborone, Botswana, the economic section seeks to improve the capacity of local businesses to produce market competitive goods with an ultimate aim of developing a strong export sector that will expand the country’s benefits from AGOA.  The section strives to help improve the capacity of selected industrial sectors in Lesotho to meet export standards and make these businesses more competitive in the U.S. market.

Commercial Advocacy

The Economic/Commercial section provides commercial advocacy to U.S. firms intending to do business in Lesotho.  Such services typically include setting up meetings with potential business agents and partners and limited market research in areas of interest.  The section also liaisons with American firms in specific areas of interest to identify trade opportunities with local partners.  If you are part of an American firm interest in commercial advocacy services, please contact the Economic Specialist on 22312666 ext. 4134 or on