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The Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database (QFAHPD) provides food price data to support research on the economic determinants of food consumption, diet quality, and health outcomes. There are two versions of the database--please read the complete documentation before downloading the data.

Version 1 of the Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database (QFAHPD-1) contains prices for 52 food groups based on both UPC-coded and random-weight food purchases. Quarterly prices are available for:

  • 26 metropolitan markets for 1999-2006, and
  • 9 nonmetropolitan areas for 2002-2006 and 4 nonmetropolitan areas for 1999-2001

Version 2 of the Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database (QFAHPD-2) contains prices for 54 food groups based on only UPC-coded food purchases. Quarterly prices are available for:

  • 26 metropolitan and 9 nonmetropolitan markets for 2004-2010. As Homescan data become available for future years, plans are to expand the database.
  • A redefined carbonated nonalcoholic beverage group, which now excludes diet versions of beverages.
  • Two new food groups: 1) diet carbonated beverages, and 2) unsweetened coffee and tea. Dry weights for coffee and tea have been converted to liquid equivalents, assuming that 2 grams of dry tea leaves and 10 grams of dry coffee yield 180 ml of liquid beverage.
Data Set  Download as Excel
DownloadsLast UpdatedNext Update
Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database-1 (QFAHPD-1)Back to top
QFAHPD-1--Fats, Beverages, and Prepared FoodsDownload as Excel7/13/2012
QFAHPD-1--Fruits and VegetablesDownload as Excel7/13/2012
QFAHPD-1--Grains and DairyDownload as Excel7/13/2012
QFAHPD-1--Meats, Nuts, and EggsDownload as Excel7/13/2012
QFAHPD-1--CodebookDownload as Excel2/16/2011
Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database-2 (QFAHPD-2)Back to top
QFAHPD-2--Fats, Beverages, and Prepared FoodsDownload as Excel7/13/2012
QFAHPD-2--Fruits and VegetablesDownload as Excel7/13/2012
QFAHPD-2--Grains and DairyDownload as Excel7/13/2012
QFAHPD-2--Meats, Nuts, and EggsDownload as Excel7/13/2012
QFAHPD-2--CodebookDownload as Excel2/16/2011

Last updated: Monday, July 16, 2012

For more information contact: Jessica Todd and Ephraim Leibtag