
News, announcements, training, search functions, Ask-a-Professor, and similar services with direct links supporting DoD acquisition.

Acquisition Process

Three processes cooperate to deliver capabilities needed by warfighters: the requirements process (JCIDS); the acquisition process (DAS); and the program and budget development process (PPBE). Includes links to DoD and Service policies, guidance, tools, and resources:


Information on career management, the DoD Human Capital Initiative, career planning, leader­ship training, over­arching planning and guidance documents, and relevant professional organizations.


Encyclopedic source of acquisition policy that follows a hierarchy of policy issuance (i.e., executive, legislative, federal, etc.) and filtered according to organization, career field, and special topics.

of Practice

Links to communities of practice and special interest areas, the latest contribution and discussion posts for open ACC communities, community highlights, and links to related communities.

Training and
Continuous Learning

Information on training and continuous learning that supports DoD acquisition, information that helps manage professional training portfolios, and information on training available from DAU and DoD and Services activities.


Information on DoD industry partners that helps the participation and execution of DoD processes; including industry support pages, news, information, and links to private sector acquisition contractors.


Functional Gateways

Sixteen functional knowledge gateways, one for each of the defense acquisition career fields.

Special Topics

Links to gateways about important topics outside the general portals and beyond the standard career fields:

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Acquisition Community Connection

Acquisition Community Connection

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About this page ...

This COR Community of Practice (CoP) supports you and other COR community members by providing a central clearinghouse of knowledge and learning assets as well as foster the sharing of best practices and lessons learned within the COR Forum Area. Additionally, the CoP serves as a collaborative resource tool to aid learners with the new online COR course. Your participation is appreciated and necessary to increase the information knowledge base within the COR CoP.


Latest Knowledge in the Community

[Tools & Forms] Acquisition Requirements Roadmap Tool (ARRT)

Wed, 06 Feb 2013

[Response] The Army COR deskguide has been adopted by the DoD and you can find a web-enabled and PDF version of it at https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=524365&lang=en-US.

Tue, 15 Jan 2013

[Response] See attached DoD COR Handbook instead.

Tue, 15 Jan 2013

[Response] As of now DoD does not have a separate COR Refresher training course. So in a way you are correct about CLC 106 as it meets the “COR Specific Training” requirement as does CLC 222. Please view Appendix C of the Defense Contracting Officer Representative Handbook (DCOR) which is web enabled here in our COR community of practice. Additionally, Contracting Officers (KO) do have some leeway in deciding what training may constitute “COR Specific Training” for meeting the refresher training requirement. As an example, a KO might decide that CLC 013 Performance-Based Services Acquisition meets some of the refresher training hour requirements because the COR will be working on service contracts.

Wed, 07 Nov 2012

[Announcement] DAU COR 222 at Ft Belvoir

Tue, 06 Nov 2012

[Question] What training is required by DOD to maintain your COR status?

Wed, 07 Nov 2012

[Response] DAU Helpdesk will be able to assist you in getting your certificates printed. You can reach them via email at DAUHelp@dau.mil or call 703-805-3459. Jennifer

Tue, 02 Oct 2012

[Question] were do i go to print the certicates of completion of cor courses?

Tue, 02 Oct 2012

[Response] Only if your organization requires you to take it every year. DoD policy is that once you take the course, you may take it again in the future to fulfill the refresher training requirements. If you are interested in learning what DoD's policy on training and qualifications, you should go to the Defense COR HDBK Appendix C which lists what the minimum and suggested training requirements are including refresher training. It can be found via link from this CoP. Additionally, you can find the same information in the Defense Contingency COR HDBK-DCCOR (Appendix 3 in version 1 or Appendix F in version 2). Again, we have a link to version 2 right here on the CoP as well as a web enabled version 1 of the DCCOR HDBK.

Tue, 25 Sep 2012

[Question] Are we required to take the Contracting Officer's Rep course every year.

Tue, 25 Sep 2012
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Ask A Professor - Questions

Performance of a Milestone during a CRA
2/1/2013 8:04:00 AM

Govt established contract ceiling amount
1/29/2013 1:50:00 PM

SSA Reevaluation Rights
1/10/2013 1:37:00 PM

Sorce Selection Authority
1/10/2013 1:33:00 PM

Cannot Determine Price Fair and Reasonable
12/20/2012 1:53:00 PM

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