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Teaching with Great Lakes Data

In partnership with Eastern Michigan University we are working to make Great Lakes data more accessible for teachers. These are real data extracted from on-going and historic GLERL research projects. Each data set has been ‘downscaled’ (fewer decimal points, fewer data points, fewer parameters) to facilitate use in the classroom. Students and teachers can use the datasets to conduct their own inquiries, support guided inquiries, demonstrate limnological concepts or just to practice graphing, mapping and mathematics.

GLERL’s About Our Great Lakes

Also check out the following web sites for excellent information for students, parents, and teachers interested in learning more about our Great Lakes.

Great Lakes Sea Grant Extension Office

Initiated in 2001, the Great Lakes Sea Grant Extension Office at GLERL represents a first-in-the-nation effort to connect NOAA Research to the outreach capabilities of NOAA Sea Grant. The Extension Educator at GLERL provides information based on GLERL research to Sea Grant extension agents located throughout the Great Lakes region for use in their local extension programming and provides feedback to GLERL researchers on the research needs of the coastal constituencies served by Sea Grant extension as well as coordinating joint efforts of the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network (GLSGN). Web products include project/program information, electronic newsletters, photo galleries, and topical directories of GLERL and GLSGN publications and resources


Great Lakes Information Network: TEACH Great Lakes

The TEACH site features mini lessons on Great Lakes topics, such as environment, history & culture, geography, pollution and careers & business. Geared for elementary through high school students as well as teachers, the modules are continually expanded and updated and include links to a glossary to help explain scientific terms and acronyms.

The Great Lakes Atlas

The Great Lakes Atlas is an Environmental Atlas and Resource Book written in easily understandable language and contains fact sheets, photographs, and many colorful maps and graphics. Topics include geology, hydrology, history, climate, and lake processes. Writing a report for school? Check out this book! This link takes you to the actual atlas, which is published online in its entirety.

The Jason Project

In order to bring the thrill of discovery to millions of students worldwide, Dr. Ballard, who discovered the wreck of the RMS Titanic, founded the JASON Project, a year-round scientific expedition designed to excite and engage students in science and technology and to motivate and provide professional development for teachers.

The Ohio State University Stone Laboratory

The Ohio State University Stone Laboratory is a freshwater biological field station that offers custom-designed field trips, Aquatic Science Workshops for grades four through adult, and Summer Science Courses for college credit.