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Alpha Testbed

An Alpha Testbed has been established in order to facilitate an exchange of ideas and provide early insight into the upcoming capabilities offered by ECHO.

ECHO is a set of infrastructure services that allow the publication, discovery and access to resources that support the Earth Observation community. Those resources may include information resources (data collections, inventories of data granules and browse images), service resources (using Web Service technologies) and client resources. For more information on ECHO, please visit the ECHO web site.

The capabilities offered in this testbed are based on the most recent internal release of ECHO. These capabilities allow organizations to experiment with offering their capabilities as services and leveraging ECHO in new and innovative ways. To that end, this testbed supports all ECHO capabilities, including API methods and metadata ingest.

In support of the ECHO functionality, a number of resources are being made available to participants. These include:

  • User Documentation of APIs
  •  User Documentation on Web Service interfaces
  • Sample code for Java and C#
  • GUI applications for Registration and management of Services
  • Service Taxonomy Navigation Tool
  • Limited set of test data (science datasets and granules)

Because this is a testbed, there are a few differences between this and the operational version of ECHO. Those differences are largely in "quality of service". For example, the version of the operational software is "alpha", in particular the web service interface are new and not operationally verified and are subject to change without notice. Also, the testbed is not supported as a 24x7 Operational system. Both the Operations and Developmen teams support the testbed participants - in addition to their other primary responsibilities.

If you are interested in participating in the ECHO Alpha Testbed program, you must apply by submitting a description of your work as it relates to the Earth Observation community, your goals for participating and must fill out and sign the ECHO Alpha Testbed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). You may download that MOU here.

Once filled out and signed, please apply by sending an email to echo @, including a description of your work, your goals and attach a scanned copy of the signed MOU. We will get back to you as soon as practical and you?ll be helping us to ensure the most effective Earth Observation Services Registry possible.

Thank you for your interest.


The following resources are available for the ECHO Alpha Testbed system:

Provider User Management Tool (PUMP) -
ECHO Ingest Accounting Tool (EIAT) -
ESIP OpenSearch Client -
SOAP API Documentation -
Ingest Documentation -