Historical Timeline

Historical Timeline

Event Date New Hampshire Guard History
Birth 1660 New Hampshire's first militia units are organized
French and Indian War 1754 New Hampshire's militia units fight in various conflicts against the natives and their French allies
Revolutionary War 1775 During the Revolution (1775-1783), elements of New Hampshire's militia fought at Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Trenton and Monmouth.
War of 1812 1812 In the War of 1812 (1812-1814), the militia served in campaigns along the Canadian border.
Mexican War 1846 New Hampshire raises one regiment for service in the Mexican War (1846-1848), commanded by COL (and future president) Franklin Pierce.
Civil War 1861 During the Civil War (1861-1865), New Hampshire organized 17 infantry regiments plus one cavalry and one artillery for the Union Army. Most saw combat at Antietam, Fredericksburg and Gettysburg.
Spanish-American War 1898 One New Hampshire regiment served during the Spanish-American War (1898-1899).
Mexican Border Crisis 1916 For the Mexican border crisis of 1916, the state deployed one infantry regiment to Laredo, Texas.
World War I 1917 When America entered WWI (1917-1918), the 1st New Hampshire Infantry sailed to France and became the First Army Headquarters Regiment. Most of the rest of the state militia was assigned to the 26th Division and fought in six campaigns in France.
World War II 1941 During WWII (1941-1945), the 172nd Field Artillery Battalion fought in Northern Europe while the 197th Coast Artillery (Antiaircraft Artillery) served first in Australia and later in the Philippines.
Korean War 1950 Two New Hampshire units were mobilized during the Korean War (1950-1953).
Vietnam War 1968 The 3rd Battalion, 197th Artillery, served in Vietnam in 1968-1969.
Desert Storm 1990 The 744th Transportation Company served in Desert Storm (1990-1991).
Global War on Terror 2001 Since 9/11, more than half of the soldiers and airmen of New Hampshire's Guard have deployed overseas in support of the Global War on Terror.

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  Concord: (603) 225-1326
  Littleton: (603) 715-3452

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