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The Denver Field Division (DFD) is responsible for Financial Assistance Grant and Cooperative Agreement administration for the OSMRE Western Region. Annually, the two DFD Grant Specialists and the DFD Chief award 10 Regulatory Program Grants and 10 Abandoned Mine Land Grants for the following OSMRE Western Region States and Tribes: Alaska, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Crow, Hopi, and Navajo.

The Grant Specialists and Chief are also responsible for the review and processing of the OSMRE Western Region Applied Science & Underground Mine Mapping Initiative Cooperative Agreements that are awarded annually.

Contact Information

Fulton, Jim, Denver Field Division
Phone: (303) - 293 - 5015

For more information about Grants, visit the OSM website


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WEB Page Last Updated: 06/01/2010
Website Last Updated:
January 25, 2013

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