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Questions to help decide about sex

If you’re deciding about sex, you can think about your goals, hopes, and values. You can talk to an adult you trust. And you can take a look at the questions below:

  • Do you really feel ready to have sex and not just excited about the idea?
  • Do you really trust and feel safe with your partner?
  • Are you feeling pressure — from friends, your partner, or even yourself — or is this something that’s really right for you?
  • Do you feel really nervous — not just a little worried but really concerned or scared?
  • Can you talk to your partner about preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections?
  • Do you know what you would do if you got pregnant?

Remember, you’re in charge of your body and your life!

Go back to the previous page and learn more about what teens think about sex, talking to your partner, and more.


Content last updated October 13, 2010

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
