MRO FSSI Industry One-on-One Sessions - Send us your White Papers!

GSA’s MRO team has established this blog to foster collaboration and communication between industry, agency stakeholders and our team in an effort to develop a government-wide strategic sourcing solution.

Currently we are planning one-on-one sessions with Industry to discuss data collection and reporting, cost drivers, ease of use for customers, allowing service providers participation, fulfilling government-wide statutory goals, and ensuring dynamic participation of vendors. We believe these meetings are critical to our efforts, and provide Industry an opportunity to assist in the creation of the best possible solution.

To structure these conversations, our MRO team created a list of ground rules for the sessions as well as a framework for submitting white papers, which you can find immediately below this message.

If you are interested in participating in these one-on-one meetings, please submit a White Paper no later than February 15, 2013 to

We look forward to reading your papers!!


GSA's MRO Team

Note: We accept meeting requests on a first-come, first-serve basis for the first 20 respondents.
