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U.S. Tariff Rates and Preferential Rules of Origin

Duty, Tariff Rates (U.S. International Trade Commission Website)

Preferential Rules of Origin (ROOs) from FTAs/TPAs

  • Australian Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
  • Bahrain FTA
  • CAFTA-DR(Dominican Republic-Central America FTA)
  • Chile FTA

  • Israel FTA

*Effective January 1, 1995 all duties on the vast majority of Israeli exports into the United States were eliminated. For certain agricultural products, Israel retains all of its special duty-free status for these products according to the pre-existing WTO commitments. In addition, Israel receives guaranteed duty-free quota allocations above the WTO commitments for some products specified in the U.S.-Israel Agricultural Trade Agreement, signed on November 4, 1996. The best source of current information regarding tariffs related to Israel is available at:

  • Jordan FTA

  • Morocco FTA

  • NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)

*On January 1, 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico (NAFTA) entered into force.  The documents posted on this website reflect the original NAFTA tariff elimination schedule.  Subsequent to the entry into force of the Agreement, the United States completed four rounds of accelerated tariff elimination with Mexico and Canada.  In addition, the Harmonized System nomenclature has been changed three times since 1994, which required corresponding changes to the NAFTA tariff schedule and the rules of origin.  As a result, the best source of current information regarding tariffs and rules of origin related to NAFTA, is available at: [Tariffs:; Rules of Origin:

  • Oman FTA

  • Peru TPA

  • Singapore FTA