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Share Your Voice: Help USTR Set TPP Negotiating Priorities for Canada and Mexico

07/23/2012 - 4:05pm

At USTR, we pride ourselves on our commitment to public engagement. We try to solicit input from every end of the opinion spectrum when we craft new trade policies, because we know that successful trade agreements depend on buy-in from concerned stakeholders. We apply that same commitment to our efforts to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, an ambitious, next-generation, Asia-Pacific trade agreement that reflects U.S. priorities and values and seeks to create jobs here at home.

Today, we posted two announcements in the Federal Register. These two notices request input from the public, stakeholder groups, and members of Congress on how we should update our TPP negotiating priorities in light of the inclusion of Canada and Mexico in the list of TPP member countries. Instructions for participation online, or in person, are included in the documents posted below. The next negotiating round of the TPP will take place in Leesburg, Virginia from September 6-15, 2012. For more information on TPP engagement, please visit

Request for Comments on Negotiating Objectives With Respect to Canada's Participation in the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement

Request for Comments on Negotiating Objectives With Respect to Mexico's Participation in the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement