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Weekly Trade Spotlight: The Importance of the Affordable Care Act

01/20/2011 - 9:31am

To be able to export their goods and services to the world – and support well-paying jobs here at home – American businesses have to be able to compete with companies around the world. The Office of the United States Trade Representative works every day to sharpen American businesses’ competitive edge and expand job opportunities for American workers. The Affordable Care Act – the historic health insurance reform passed by Congress in 2010 – is an important part of improving America’s competitiveness in the global marketplace, and an important part of keeping our economic recovery going.

Slowing the growth of health care costs frees up resources that American businesses big and small can use to grow. Reducing small firms’ health insurance premiums helps to level the playing field for them as they compete to do business around the world. And better options for health insurance will encourage more American entrepreneurs – and potential exporters – to start their own businesses, increasing opportunities for workers here at home.

“The Affordable Care Act is essential to the strength of the bottom line of our nation’s businesses and to the health of their workers,” said Ambassador Ron Kirk today. “Under the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies no longer have free rein to raise premiums on small businesses by huge amounts and to deny coverage to American workers and their families. American companies and entrepreneurs can take better advantage of job-creating trade opportunities when our health care system isn’t draining their resources. Continuing the Affordable Care Act is a trade priority.”

To learn more about how just how vital the Affordable Care Act is to America’s economic recovery and job growth, visit here. And to find out how the Affordable Care Act can make a difference for your business or your family, visit