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In Iowa’s Interest: A Helpful Resource for a New School Year

September 12, 2011

In Iowa’s Interest: A Helpful Resource for a New School Year

by Senator Tom Harkin

September marks the first full month of the new school year in Iowa, which means that around the state, kids are putting books in their bags, teachers are sketching out lesson plans and administrators are walking the halls, all excited for the school year ahead.

As I prepare for the start of fall here in Washington D.C., I would personally like to welcome back to school all the students in Iowa, from those headed to their very first day to the students attending our great colleges and universities. Education is essential to our state and Iowans know and value the importance our education system gives to our children.

September is also a time to remember that even as we grow older, learning never stops. And a valuable resource to continue learning is the Library of Congress, where tools are available to teachers, students and their families online at www.loc.gov.

The Library of Congress posts historical pictures, documents and many other resources for of all students, young and old. Pieces from the Civil War, works of art from the American Revolution, personal histories of those who experienced the Civil Rights Movement, along with maps, photographs and historical artifacts, are part of over 19 million primary sources available online. And the information is completely free of charge.

The Library also has a page dedicated to teachers. At www.loc.gov/teachers, educators can access tutorials, webcasts, interactive activities and standard-based lesson plans based on grade level. In short, the Library of Congress has put together a great resource for students and faculty and I highly recommend taking a look at the website.

As Iowans start a new school year, I wish all of the administrators, students and teachers good luck and a successful year ahead.

A PDF version of the column is available by clicking here.