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Harkin Announces More Than $230,000 Coming to Improve Shenandoah Medical Center

June 1, 2010

Harkin Announces More Than $230,000 Coming to Improve Shenandoah Medical Center

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today announced that a total of $237,868 will be coming to Shenandoah Medical Center in Page County.  The funds will be used to help purchase 37 new beds, to upgrade its ambulances and to acquire a Heart Telemetry and Patient Monitoring Network.

“In order to best serve the residents in and around the community of Shenandoah, it is important that we provide the resources to best help people when they are ill or injured,” said Harkin. “Today’s funds will make important upgrades to the hospital there and give our medical professionals even better tools to serve patients.”

Today’s funding comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Community Facility Disaster Grant Program.  Harkin is a senior member of the panel that funds rural development initiatives.