IARPA - Organization


The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) invests in high-risk, high-payoff research programs that have the potential to provide the United States with an overwhelming intelligence advantage over future adversaries.

IARPA tackles some of the most difficult challenges across the intelligence agencies and disciplines, and results from its programs are expected to transition to its IC customers. IARPA does not have an operational mission and does not deploy technologies directly to the field.

IARPA’s programs are typically 3-5 years in duration, with clearly defined and measurable end goals. IARPA is capable of quickly responding to new priorities, emerging challenges, scientific breakthroughs, and emerging technological opportunities. IARPA does not institutionalize programs; the status quo is always questioned, fresh ideas and perspectives are always encouraged, and only the best ideas and best performers are funded.

IARPA is committed to technical excellence and technical truth and insists that technical risk be accompanied by technical rigor. The scientific method and peer review are upheld as critical elements of program execution.

There are three cutting-edge offices within IARPA:

  • Office of Incisive Analysis

    The goal of the programs in this office is to maximize insight from the information we collect, in a timely fashion.

  • Office of Safe & Secure Operations

    The goal of the programs in this office is to be able to counter new capabilities implemented by our adversaries that could threaten our ability to operate freely and effectively in a networked world.

  • Office of Smart Collection

    The goal of the programs in this office is to dramatically improve the value of collected data from all sources.

IARPA will not start a program without a good idea and an exceptional program manager to lead its execution. Our program managers are encouraged to take risks and accept failure in the pursuit of their innovative research ideas, provided that they do not sacrifice technical or programmatic integrity, and that they fully document their research results.