Wednesday, February 13, 2013
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The Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) was established on 23 October 2003 at Jåttå, Stavanger, Norway and aligned as a subordinate command of Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT), Norfolk, Virginia, United States.

The JWC provides NATO's training focal point for full spectrum joint operational level warfare.

JWC Mission:

  • JWC provides operational level joint training in support of ongoing operations;
  • JWC conducts and supports collective training of joint and combined staffs of the NATO Command Structure (NCS) and NATO Force Structure (NFS) for Major Joint Operations (MJOs) and Small Joint Operations (SJOs), integrating NATO Members' national capacities, regional security organizations' initiatives and Partnership for Peace (PfP);
  • JWC provides key leader training capability;
  • JWC supports adherence to joint operational warfare doctrine and standards;
  • JWC assists the developmental and experimental work of Allied Command Transformation (ACT) on new concepts, technologies, modeling and simulation;
  • JWC performs joint analysis, collects lessons learned and feeds them back into the transformational network through the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned (JALLC).


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