What is Lightning?
Facts & Trivia
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Lightning Information Center

Whether you are fortunate enough to live in central Florida, or are visiting some of our many attractions, you should know that central Florida is the "Lightning Capital" of the United States. On average, lightning is responsible for more weather-related deaths in Florida than all other weather hazards combined, and Florida has the highest number of lightning casualties of all 50 states. As part of our "Total Lightning Information" initiative, this internet site is intended to serve as a resource of lightning information for east-central Florida.  We have a commitment to reducing the risk to life, property, and economic interests of the people we serve.  Becoming more educated about lightning, along with some basic safety rules, can help you and your family avoid needless exposure to the dangers of lightning. We hope that you find this information useful.  

QUESTIONS or COMMENTS??? For further information about Lightning Safety and Forecast Applications in east central Florida, send an email to Matt Bragaw,  Scott Spratt or David Sharp.














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