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Award Terms and Conditions

The award terms and conditions include provisions of the award. Topics include, but are not limited to, situations requiring prior USDA approval and procedures to close out an award. Refer to the award document, Form NIFA-2009, to determine the applicable terms and conditions document.

Correspondence Regarding the Modification of Terms and Conditions of Active Non-Formula Awards

Research Terms and Conditions (T/Cs) and related Agency-Specific T/Cs

(all related documents including appendices and NIFA Agency-specific Terms and Conditions are housed on a web site maintained by the National Science Foundation)

These terms and conditions apply to all research and research-related awards (i.e., research, education, and extension) to institutions of higher education, hospitals, other non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations. The terms and conditions apply to all awards (grants, cooperative agreements, and special projects) funded by NIFA except: 1) Formula Funded Programs; 2) the 1890 Facilities Program; and 3) the Small Business Innovation Research Program; as well as 4) awards to individuals. The exceptions have separate applicable terms and conditions. With the implementation of these terms and conditions, General Terms and Conditions-A and B and the Federal Demonstration Partnership Terms and Conditions will phase out over time (i.e., they no longer are incorporated into new awards or award actions as of July 1, 2008).


Program-Specific Terms and Conditions


Memo to Extension Directors dated September 30, 2002(PDF)

General Terms and Conditions - A

These terms and conditions apply to all awards (grants, cooperative agreements, and special projects) except: 1) Formula-Funded awards, 2) awards under the Facilities Program, 3) awards under the Small Business Innovation Research Program, 4) awards to institutions that are part of the Federal Demonstration Project, 5) awards to individuals, and 6) awards to recipients with less than three years of experience in managing NIFA funds. Note that recipients must have a minimum of three years of experience in managing NIFA funds to receive these terms and conditions.


General Terms and Conditions - B

These terms and conditions apply to the same awards as the General Terms and Conditions - A with the same exceptions; however, General Terms and Conditions - B applies to those recipients who have not had at least three years of managing NIFA funds.


Small Business Innovation Research Grants Program

These terms and conditions apply to awards under the Small Business Innovation Research Grants Program.


Special Terms and Conditions - C

These terms and conditions apply to awards under the Facilities Program.


Special Terms and Conditions - D

These terms and conditions apply to awards to individuals.


Federal Demonstration Partnership

These terms and conditions apply to all grants to institutions that are part of the Federal Demonstration Partnership.


Assurances Regarding the Protection of Human Subjects, Providing Humane Treatment of Animals, and Monitoring the Use of Recombinant DNA


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