GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Yuanyuan Fang

Ph.D. Candidate

Program of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Princeton University

RM 307B, Geophysical Fluid Dynamical Lab

Phone: (609) 452-5322 (office)




My adviser is Hiram Levy.

I am also working with Arlene Fiore and Larry Horowitz.

My current project is to study the impact of climate change on pollutant transport and air quality.


  • Yuanyuan Fang, Arlene Fiore, Larry Horowitz et al.(2010), Sensitivity of the U.S. NOy budget to the anthropogenic and lightning NOx emissions, Journal of Geophy Res, in press,
  • Leo Donner, Yuanyuan Fang (2010), Responses of Deep Convection to Global Warming, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-0, 2010, EGU General Assembly 2010
  • A.M. Fiore, H. Levy II, Y. Ming, Y. Fang, L.W. Horowitz, Interactions between Climate and Air Quality, from: D.G. Steyn and S.T. Rao (eds), Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XX, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3812-8, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

  • Fang, Y., A. M. Fiore, L. W. Horowitz, A. Gnanadesikan, H. Levy, Y. Hu, and A. G. Russell (2009), Estimating the contribution of strong daily export events to total pollutant export from the United States in summer, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2008JD010946
  • Chunsheng Zhao, Yuanyuan Fang, Jie Tang et al.(2007), Distribution of Carbon Monoxide from MOPITT of 2000-2004 and Comparisons with Surface Measurements in Mt. Waliguan Station, Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, Vol.18,  No.1, P.36-41

  • Ying Li, Chunsheng Zhao, Yuanyuan Fang, et al. (2007), Analysis of Distribution and Seasonal Change of Tropospheric Ozone Residual in Recent 20 Years Using Satellite Data, Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, Vol.18 No.2 P.181-186

  • Yunping Lin, Chunsheng Zhao, Li Peng, Yuanyuan Fang (2007), A new method to calculate monthly CO emissions using MOPITT satellite data, Chinese Science Bullet vol. 52, no. 18,  2551-2558

  • Chunsheng Zhao, Li Peng, Xuexi Tie, Yuanyuan Fang (2006), A High CO Episode of Long-Range Transport Detected by MOPITT, Water Air Soil Pollut (2007) 178:207–216, DOI 10.1007/s11270-006-9191-1

  • Yuanyuan Fang,  Chunsheng  Zhao,  Chencai Li (2005), Distribution Characteristics of Carbon Monoxide Concentration in 2002 Using MOPITT Data, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.29, No.3, P.363-371


  • Yuanyuan Fang, Arlene Fiore, Larry Horowitz., et al., Poster Presentation: Impacts of changing transport and precipitation on pollutant distribution in a future climate, ICACGP-IGAC 2010 conference, Halifax, Canada

  • Yuanyuan Fang, Arlene Fiore, Larry Horowitz., et al., Poster Presentation : Export of NOy from the United States during summer 2004, AGU Fall Meeting, 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA

  • Yuanyuan Fang, Arlene Fiore, Larry Horowitz, et al., Oral Presentation : Estimate the episodic contribution to total pollutant export from the United States in summer 2004, AGU Joint Assembly 2008, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

  • Yuanyuan Fang, Chunsheng Zhao, et al., Oral Presentation: Carbon Monoxide distribution and seasonal variability during 2000-2004 in East Asia, China Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2004, Beijing, China
  • Yuanyuan Fang, Chunsheng Zhao, et al., Oral Presentation: Carbon monoxide distribution and transport during 2002 over China, China Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2003, Beijing, China


  • Yuanyuan Fang, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.,  Outstanding Student Paper Award for Atmospheric Sciences for "Estimating the episodic contribution of pollutant export from the United States in summer 2004", American Geophysical Union, 2008