US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Protected Area Center


  > Resources  > Webinars

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The MPA Center has partnered with Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Tools Network and OpenChannels, a forum for ocean planning and management, on a monthly webinar series focused on building and strengthening MPA networks.

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Marine Protected Areas Webinar Series – Building and Strengthening MPA Networks (2012)

presentation cover October 11, 2012, 12:00 – 1:00 EDT
Developing and Connecting the Gulf of Mexico MPA Network

Speakers: Ryan Young, Gulf of Mexico MPA Network Coordinator

Topic: The Gulf of Mexico MPA Network was formed to link diverse federal and state MPA programs in the region. Learn about shared priorities in the region, and the interactive website being developed to connect MPA managers and other experts.

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presentation cover November 8, 2012, 1:00 – 2:00 EDT
Building the Capacity of MPA Programs Around the Globe

Speakers: Anne Walton, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Topic: The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries' MPA Management Capacity Building Program works with 22 countries around the world on a wide range of topics including climate change adaptation, marine spatial planning, managing tourism, MPAs and fisheries, and other topics. What can their experiences in other countries teach U.S. MPA managers?

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presentation cover December 13, 2012, 1:00 – 2:00 EDT
Can You Hear Me Now? Research and Tools on Ocean Communication

Speakers: Wei Ying Wong, Communications Project Director, The Ocean Project

Topic: The Ocean Project conducts cutting edge market research and analysis to help inform outreach and education on ocean issues. Find out what people really think about ocean issues, and how to target your outreach messages.

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presentation cover January 10, 2013, 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT
How Are We Doing? Taking the Pulse of California's Oceans

Speaker: Dr. Liz Whiteman, MPA Monitoring Enterprise, California Ocean Science Trust

Topic: Monitoring California's statewide network of MPAs will produce an unprecedented body of data that will be useful not only to assess the performance of MPAs, but also to measure the health of the ocean ecosystems and inform management decisions. Find out about the new framework developed to guide a partnerships-based monitoring program and a new online community platform – OceanSpaces- for sharing monitoring data and results.

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